Universitas Diponegoro

Selection Mechanism of Bidikmisi

A. Socialization and Coordination

  1. Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education coordination and dissemination among the main unit, the unit of work and related agencies, including the National Selection Committee for new students as well as doing publicity through the mass media;
  2. The provincial education department and district / city to socialize and or provide information to educational units in the environment of the program Bidikmisi;
  3. The higher education institutions to disseminate and or providing information to schools and the public about the program Bidikmisi;
  4. Principal / Madrasah / CLC or the equivalent socialize Bidikmisi program to students, especially for students in grade 12.
  5. Principal / Madrasah / CLC or the equivalent coordinate and facilitate the whole registration process in every school and send files that have met the requirements for the intended public universities without charge to students


B. Registration Online (On-line)

The procedure for registration Bidikmisi through SNMPTN, PMDK Polytechnic college or Selection Independent online is as follows.

  1. Stages registration Bidikmisi
    1. Educational institutions enroll as referrals to http: // dikti.go.id/sekolah/ by attaching a scanned (scan) (Appendix 2 section F) to get the access code number of school.
    2. DG Belmawa verify the registration within 1 x 24 hours in the day and hour
    3. Each school recommends students through http: // dikti.go.id/sekolah/login using a combination NPSN and passcode verified
    4. Schools provide a registration number and an access code to each student who has been recommended
    5. Students register via http: // dikti.go.id/siswa/login and finish all the stages required in the registration system.
  2. Students who have completed the registration bidikmisi register or independent national selection that has been obtained in accordance with each pattern selection through .Here address.
    1. SNMPTN through http: // ac.id
    2. SBMPTN through http://sbmptn.ac.id.
    3. Selection of Independent State in accordance with their respective
    4. Selection Mandiri in accordance with their respective PTS PTS

Students who enroll, complete the file and taken at the time of re-enrollment admission.

  1. Card program participants and registration forms printed from the system Bidikmisi Bidikmisi;
  2. Certificate of graduation from the Principal;
  3. Photocopy of the semester report card 1 (one) d. 6 (six) certified by the principal;
  4. Copies of diplomas certified by the principal;
  5. Photocopy of the national final exam scores were certified by the Principal;
  6. The certificate of achievement / ranking of students in the classroom and supporting evidence other achievements in the field of extracurricular passed (legalization) by the principal;
  7. Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) or Poor Students Scholarship (BSM);
  8. Certificate of Income Parents / guardians or Certificate not able to be verified, issued by the village chief / village head / institutions where parents work / community;
  9. Copy of Family Card or Certificate of family structure;
  10. Photocopying electricity bill last month (when available power) and the United Nations or proof of payment (if it has proof of payment) from the parent / guardian of his.

C. Semi Registration Online

The procedure for registration Bidikmisi through SNMPTN, PMDK Polytechnic college or Independent Selection semi online are as follows:

  1. Stages registration Bidikmisi
    1. School enrollment semi downloading applications online that are provided on pages http://bidikmisi.dikti.go.id
    2. Schools make the process of form filling for schools and learners are provided in the application
    3. Schools that are already complete the form to upload the results of charging through http://bidikmisi.dikti.go.id page or leave it to the manager Bidikmisi in college
  2. Students who have completed the registration Bidikmisi register or independent national selection that has been obtained in accordance with each pattern selection through .Here address.
    1. SNMPTN through http: // ac.id
    2. SBMPTN through http://sbmptn.ac.id.
    3. PMDK Polytechnic through http://pmdk.politeknik.or.id/
    4. Selection of Independent State in accordance with their respective
    5. Selection Mandiri in accordance with their respective PTS PTS

Students who enroll, complete the file and taken at the time of re-enrollment admission.

  1. Card program participants and registration forms printed from the system Bidikmisi Bidikmisi;
  2. Certificate of graduation from the Principal;
  3. Photocopy of the semester report card 1 (one) d. 6 (six) certified by the principal;
  4. Copies of diplomas certified by the principal;
  5. Photocopy of the national final exam scores were certified by the Principal;
  6. The certificate of achievement / ranking of students in the classroom and supporting evidence other achievements in the field of extracurricular passed (legalization) by the principal;
  7. Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) or Poor Students Scholarship (BSM);
  8. Certificate of Income Parents / guardians or Certificate not able to be verified, issued by the village chief / village head / institutions where parents work / community;
  9. Copy of Family Card or Certificate of family structure;
  10. Photocopying electricity bill last month (when available power) and the United Nations or proof of payment (if it has proof of payment) of the parent / her godfather.

D. Direct Registration (Off-line)

  1. School and or candidates who can not stage Bidikmisi registration on-line to Selection Mandiri because of limited access to the Internet, then:
    1. Candidates fill out a form provided by the school (the form can be downloaded at dikti.go.id or www.bidikmisi.dikti.go.id) and then the completed form along with other requirements of the file submitted to the Principal.
    2. Principal sends recommendation form (Appendix 2), the registration form (Appendix 3) along completeness other files collectively to each Rector / Director / Chairman of the State conducting independent selection college entrance suitable selection of cover letter on given information about the letter on ‘Registration Bidikmisi 2015’ (PTN address can be found in Appendix 4).
  2. Files should be sent include:
    1. Files are furnished by the candidate who will graduate in 2015:
      1. Registration form filled out by the candidate in question is equipped with 3×4 size color photographs of 3 (three) pieces;
      2. Photocopy Student Identity Card (KTS) or equivalent as evidence of active students;
      3. Photocopy of the semester report card 1 (one) d. 5 (five) certified by the principal;
      4. The certificate about ranking students in the classroom and supporting evidence other achievements in the field of extracurricular passed (legalization) by the principal;
      5. Certificate of Income Parent / guardian or Certificate not able to be verified, issued by the Village Head / Head Dusun / institution where parents work / community;
      6. Copy of Family Card;
      7. Photocopying electricity bill last month (when available power) and or proof of tax payment of parent / guardian-her (if it has proof of payment).
  3. Files are furnished by candidates who graduated in 2014:
    1. Registration form filled out by the candidate (item a) which are equipped with color photographs size 3×4 3 (three) pieces;
    2. Certificate of graduation from the Principal;
    3. Photocopy of the semester report card 1 (one) d. 6 (six) certified by the principal;
    4. Copies of diplomas certified by the principal;
    5. Photocopy of the national final exam scores were certified by the Principal;
    6. The certificate of achievement / ranking of students in the classroom and supporting evidence other achievements in the field of extracurricular passed (legalization) by the principal;
    7. Certificate of Income Parents / guardians or Certificate not able to be verified, issued by the village chief / village head / institutions where parents work / community;
    8. Copy of Family Card or Certificate of family structure;
    9. Photocopying electricity bill last month (when available power) and the United Nations or proof of payment (if it has proof of payment) from the parent / guardian of his.

State Schools must ensure that selected candidates the opportunity of selection patterns Bidikmisi offline. Information on the selection pattern Bidikmisi in every State can be seen in the media selection information entered college in each PT website.

Schools coordinate the delivery of the registration file to the destination address of the college.

E. Type Selection and Verification Methods

Universities can conduct the selection Bidikmisi through a selection of national and self selection.

  1. Selection for State Universities
    1. National Selection / Joint
      1. PTN make the selection of recipients who are graduates Bidikmisi recommendations of national selection (SNMPTN) according to the requirements and criteria set by each State;
      2. Selection is determined by each State to prioritize applicants who can least afford it economically, applicants who have the highest academic potential, the order of quality schools, and pay attention to the area of ​​origin to ensure economic conditions
        registrants, it would be better if the State paid a visit to the address of the registrant;
      3. Special considerations in the selection of graduation awarded to applicants who have extra-curricular achievements of the lowest ranked 3rd at the district / city or other non-competitive achievement no rating (eg school student body president / OSIS);
      4. Applicants Bidikmisi BSM receiver and / or have KIP and the like can be excluded in the process of verification of eligibility But if later found was not feasible may be subject to sanctions
        A visit to the address of the registrant can be done by utilizing the State concerned student or State of domicile of the applicant with the approved mechanism
      5. The results of the national selection committee announced by the students at the college level and notified to the DG Belmawa through a Management Information System
    2. Independent Selection (Selection Local)
      Universities can make the selection of self-selection Bidikmisi through college with the following provisions:
      1. PTN make the selection of applicants using lines, requirements and specific criteria set by each State;
      2. Selection is determined by each State to prioritize applicants who can least afford it economically, applicants who have the highest academic potential, the order of quality schools, and pay attention to the area of ​​origin of applicants to ensure economic conditions, it is recommended that the State paid a visit to the address of the registrant. Besides, it can also do the verification and recommendation by the recipient prior Bidikmisi.
      3. Special considerations in the selection of graduation awarded to applicants who have extra-curricular achievements of the lowest ranked 3rd at the district / city or other non-competitive achievement no rating (eg school student body president / OSIS);
      4. If necessary, local tests that require the physical presence of applicants, all costs to keep self-selection process including transport and accommodation costs are borne by the State concerned;
      5. Applicants Bidikmisi BSM receiver and / or have KIP and the like can be excluded in the process of verification of eligibility But if later found was not feasible may be subject to sanctions
      6. The results of student selection was announced by the Rector / Director / Chairman or authorized through the media that can be accessed by each registrant and notified to the DG Belmawa through a Management Information System
  2. Selection for PTS
    1. Selection is determined by each PTS giving priority to applicants who can least afford it economically, applicants who have the highest academic potential, and pay attention to the area of ​​origin of applicants to ensure economic conditions, it would be better if PTS visit to address the registrant;
    2. A visit to the address of the registrant can be done by utilizing the student concerned or PTS PTS of residency applicants with the approved mechanism
    3. Applicants Bidikmisi BSM receiver and / or have KIP and the like can be excluded in the process of verification of eligibility But if later found was not feasible may be subject to sanctions
    4. The results of student selection PTS announced by the selection committee and notified to the Directorate General of Higher Education through Information Management System

F. Nominations and Determination

Determination of tuition assistance recipients Bidikmisi done through the following procedures:

  1. Universities can coordinate with PTN / PTS other regions of origin registrants to do visitation / verification.
  2. Applicants Bidikmisi BSM receiver and / or have KIP and the like can be excluded in the process of verification of eligibility But if later found was not feasible may be subject sanksiSesuai independent selection and announcement of the results of national, prospective students re-register at their respective colleges;
  3. Universities do candidacy via SIM bidikmisi for applicants Bidikmisi re-registered
  4. University leaders issued a decree on Bidikmisi Recipient Determination for students who have re-register;
  5. Colleges make the determination of candidates using SIM facility Bidikmisi;
  6. Decree referred sent to DG Belmawa and reported to the SIM

G. Special

PTN facilitate the registration of self-selection without the recommendation of the school / manual in case of the following:

  1. School of origin is no longer held at the time of registration Bidikmisi education in 2015;
  2. Schools do not have adequate resources to carry out registration via the Internet;
  3. Schools can not be directed to support the program Bidikmisi;
  4. The event of force majeure other natural disasters;
  5. Another thing that is considered urgent and aim for humanity and justice and equal access to education.
  6. Verification and registration as intended by point 1 (a) conducted by SIM
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