Faculty of Medicine Undip Accepts Students from KIP-K Program

Diponegoro University has just finished holding a new student admissions selection. Starting from the SNMPTN and SBMPTN examinations organized by LTMPT (University Entrance Test Institute) to the Independent Examination for the Undergraduate prospective students which is managed independently by UNDIP.

The enthusiasm for enrolling in Diponegoro University is very high. There were 157,872 applicants who registered to study at Undip, starting from the SNMPTN, SBMPTN, UM pathways (SBUB, IUP, UM and UM Partnership). This is inseparable from the achievements of Undip as one of the best campuses in Indonesia. Moreover, Diponegoro University is the number one campus whose graduates quickly get jobs according to the QS Ranking version. Of these applicants, 12,247 were accepted as Undip students.

Of all prospective students accepted at Diponegoro University, some of them were accepted from the KIP-K program. Head of LP2MP (Institute for Development and Quality Assurance of Education) Undip, Prof. Dr. Ir. Setia Budi Sasongko, DEA explained, “Diponegoro University also supports the government in educational assistance programs through the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) Lecture program. KIP Merdeka Lecture is a form of education financing guarantee and living expenses assistance to students from underprivileged families to continue their higher education.”

“With the KIP-K program, all students have the right to continue studying at their dream campus and have the same opportunity to be accepted at their favorite faculty. Even the Faculty of Medicine, which is a favorite faculty that is in great demand, also accepts prospective students from the KIP-K program. The cost of education at the Faculty of Medicine is quite high, considering the high value facilities and equipment for the practice of students of the Faculty of Medicine. However, the Faculty of Medicine Undip still accepts prospective students from the KIP-K program on condition that the scores for the entrance test or high exam results are in accordance with the graduation standards.”

In 2022, UNDIP accepted 1504 students with KIP-K, which were spread to all applied undergraduate and undergraduate programs, including study programs at the Faculty of Medicine.

UNDIP also provides full scholarships for students who are interested in studying at FPIK, 47 students successfully passed the selection to get the scholarship. The 47scholarship recipients were prospective students of FPIK UNDIP. There are 6 people from the Aquaculture Study Program, 6 people from Marine Science Study Program, 8 people from Water Resources Management Study Program, 9 people from Oceanography Study Program, 13 people from Capture Fisheries Study Program, and 5 people from Fishery Product Technology Study Program. (Ut/Lin – Public Relations)

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