Integrated Coastal Zone Management : Stakeholder Assessment

The Stakeholder Assessment for Integrated Coastal Zone Management was held on Monday – Tuesday (March 25-26, 2019) at Dafam Hotel, Pekalongan City. The first day’s activity was opened by the Regional Secretary of Pekalongan City, Sri Ruminingsih, S.E, M.Sc. The event was attended by representatives from Deltares, Dr. Bouke Ottow, and various agencies of Pekalongan City, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java Province, including the Regional Development and Research Development Planning Board, Central Riverbanks Supervision Pemali Juana, Department of Public Works Water Resources and Spatial Planning of Central Java, and others.

In the Focus Group Discussion, participants exchanged ideas about the role of community and related institutions regarding coastal environmental problems that occur everyday in Pekalongan City such as tidal floods, the decreased quality of clean water, abrasion, etc. So that it can be seen the classification of the parties involved, as well as the relationship between parties in each issue.

This activity is expected to be a collaboration between related parties, both government and parties outside the government, to support the improvement and development of the Pekalongan City area. In addition, to support the program to be implemented, it is also necessary to continue communication between institutions. The series of Focus Group Discussion events were closed by the Chairperson of Research and Industry Cooperation of Diponegoro University, Dr. Ir. Bambang Purwanggono, M.Eng.

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is a collaborative program between UNDIP, IHE Delft, Radboud University and Deltares Netherlands to develop the potential of coastal communities in dealing with various environmental problems in the North Coast region of Central Java. The Stakeholder Assessment is the first step in analyzing the affected parties as well as the user of natural resources The next stage there will be various activities in the next three years to support the program. Among other things, interviews, workshops, training, then the establishment of ICZM Centre.

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