
Focus Group Discussion – Cooperation Between the Faculty of Law UNDIP and DPD RI Concerning Implementation of the Functions & Authority of the DPD RI in Legislation

Semarang, January 23, 2020 – In the event of perfecting and seeking for input in the drafting of DPD rules on Standing Orders, the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD-RI) established cooperation with numbers of universities to discuss these issues through Forum Group Discussion. Diponegoro University’s Faculty of Law was honored by the DPD-RI as one of the partnered campus to be chosen to conduct discussions and contribute ideas that could be used as a draft of regulations regarding the DPD RI’s internal institutional rules.

Focus Group Discussion was held on Thursday (1/23/2019) in the Meeting Room of the Dean Building, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University. The issue that became the topic of discussion was the Implementation of the DPD RI Function and Authority Arrangement according to the perspective of the legislation. Resource persons at the focus group discussion include: Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. (Dean of the Faculty of Law Undip- Constitutional Law Expert), Prof. Dr. Sri Puryono, MP. (Professor of Governmental Science, Undip FISIPOL) and Dr. Teguh Yuwono, M.Pol Admin (Undip Governmental Science Expert – Vice Dean of FISIPOL). The moderator for this scientific discussion was held by Dr. Amalia Diamantina, S.H., M.Hum. (Lecturer in Undip Constitutional Law). The parties attending the event included the Head of the Special Committee for the Indonesian House of Representatives, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas (DI Yogyakarta), and members of the Special Committee, Anna Latuconsina (Maluku), Instiawaty Ayus (Riau), dr. Assera (NTT), Bustami (Lampung), Abdul Kholiq (Central Java), Abdul Rahman Toha (Central Sulawesi) and Evi Avita Naya (NTB), Representatives of the Central Java Regional Secretariat, Legal Affairs expert Dr. Lita Tyesta ALW, SH M.Hum, as well as a number of lecturers in Constitutional Law and State Administrative Law Undip who attended as active participants.

The opening ceremony began with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum .. In her welcoming speech, Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati expressed her appreciation and gratitude to DPD RI due to how Undip Faculty of Law have been entrusted to hold the FGD to provide scientific input in refining the drafting of the DPD Internal Rules.

The presentation of the first material was delivered by Prof. Dr. Retno Saraswati, S.H., M.Hum. that also acts as a guest speaker. During her presentation, she expressed her opinion regarding the presence of the DPD through the implementation of its functions, authorities and duties to ensure the principle of regional autonomy could run as expected, so that a good synergy between the DPD and the regional government was needed. The regional government must also accommodate the ideas and needs of the DPD, so that it will not leave any issue, especially in monitoring regional interests. She also added that in carrying out the legislative, supervisory and budgetary functions, the DPD requires regulations on procedures to clarify the implementation of the tasks and functions of an institution. The regulation also functions to regulate the working mechanism of DPD members and institutions.

The second speaker was Prof. Dr. Sri Puryono, MP. He stated that the DPD has a big role in absorbing regional aspirations and interests. He then recommended a strengthening of DPD institutions and synergy with the local government. According to Prof. Dr. Sri Puryono, MP, there are 3 important elements that need to be considered in strengthening the role of the DPD, namely aspects of personnel, financing or budget and equipment. This is based on observations made by the standard of facilities owned by the DPD which are currently still in low and it is feared that these aspects will affect the performance of DPD in carrying out regional supervisory and absorption functions.

A similar idea was also conveyed by the third speaker, Dr. Teguh Yuwono. According to him, the embolism and improvement of the functions and authority of the DPD need to be considered. This is because the existence of DPD RO as a State institution is very strategic in delivering the aspirations of local communities. However, he also expressed his criticism towards the accountability mechanism to the public who had been using the recess period mechanism, which means a breakthrough was necessary for this accountability method so that the performance of the DPD could be felt by the community.

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