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Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic and the New Normal Era on the National Climate Change Program Agenda

WEBINAR Undip SDGs Series 2020 Serie_4: 13 SDGs_Climate Action

Theme: Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic and the New Normal Era on the National Climate Change Program Agenda

Welcoming the policy of “The New Normal” amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Diponegoro University Ranking Office held another SDG’s Series 4 webinar with the theme ” Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic and the New Normal Era on the National Climate Change Program Agenda” on Thursday, June 11, 2020 through Zoom and YouTube Live application. WEBINAR is a scientific seminar that presents speakers with their respective expertise to discuss and provide ideas and solutions for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. Present as speakers were Mr. Suharso Monoarfa, Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas; Dr. Ir. H. Irianto Lambrie, MM, Governor of North Kalimantan; Dr. Ir. Ruandha Agung Sugardiman, M.Sc., Director General of Climate Change Control, KLHK; Prof. Dr. Denny Nugroho S., ST., M.Sc., PUI-PT Undip Study Center for Disaster Mitigation and Coastal Rehabilitation; and R. Dwi Susanto, PhD. From the University of Maryland, USA.

In the introduction, Ahmad Ni’matullah Al-Baarri, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D. from the Diponegoro University Ranking Office said that this series 4 of Webinar was a continuation of a series of webinars conducted by Diponegoro University in order to continue to partake in an active role in implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is a global development agenda consisting of 17 Goals.

The event was opened by Undip Rector Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M.Hum. and moderator Prof. Dr. Hadiyanto, ST, MSc. as the Deputy Dean I of Undip Postgraduate School. In his remarks the Rector of Diponegoro University said that Covid-19 pandemic impacts in various fields, including climate change. In addition, the discussion on the topic of SDGs on climate change associated with The New Normal which will be faced together becomes important to be discussed, especially on how we continue to live on this earth.

The first speaker Dr. Ir. Ruandha Agung Sugardiman, M.Sc. delivered material related to national policy on climate change control in the new normal era, including the mitigation action targets in several sectors such as forestry and energy and adaptation actions. In addition, he also said that by learning from the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, it provides an overview of various considerations needed in preparing recovery plans towards “greener and more climate resilient societies and economies” such as improving the quality of life, economic independence, environmental care, environmental equality and gender equity , etc. Meanwhile Prof. Dr. Denny Nugroho S., ST., M.Sc. from the Higher Education Science and Technology Center (PUI-PT) of the Center for Disaster Mitigation and Coastal Rehabilitation Study Undip conveyed the role of universities in handling climate change in Indonesia which is related to strategies for mitigating and adapting coastal disasters due to climate change in coastal areas and small islands. He stated that the role of higher education institutions was very important and could help to provide effective solutions for people affected by sea level rise due to climate change. In addition, integrated and sustainable management of coastal areas is one of the best choices that can be made to reduce the impact of climate change. Discussion related to the impact of Covid-19 on air and sea was delivered by R. Dwi Susanto, PhD. He presented a comparative satellite imagery before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. He stated that oil and aerosol pollution at sea was reduced. However, for the plastic waste might increase. Maintaining the sea and the use of the sea as a renewable energy source is one of the concrete solutions for handling climate change.

The material from Dr. H. Irianto Lambrie as the Governor of North Kalimantan, presented by Risdianto, S.Pi, M.Si, Head of North Kalimantan Bappeda and Litbang stated the implementation of activities related to GHG emission reduction integrated into the Regional Development Plan with various activities covering 4 (four) fields, i.e. Agriculture , Use of Forestry and Peatlands, Energy and Transportation, and Waste Management. Through this Action Plan, sectoral planners may also obtain an accurate information about the sources and potential of GHG emission reduction in North Kalimantan Province in contributing to the national GHG emission reduction target of 29%. The final material from the Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Mr. Suharso Monoarfa presented by Dr. Ir. Arifin Rudiyanto, MSc. as the Bappenas Deputy for Maritime and Natural Resources highlighted the agenda for handling national climate change before-after the Covid-19 pandemic and the New Normal Era. He conveyed the escalation of the impact of Covid-19 and the relevance of SDGs to the pillars of environmental development and recovery strategies, namely the development planning oriented towards build-back better. Regarding climate change mitigation for mangrove rehabilitation, development of new and renewable energy infrastructure and rehabilitation of forests and critical land can be carried out.

Discussions on this webinar are very interactive and there are lots of questions asked by participants who have participated via zoom and YouTube live. According to a report submitted by Ahmad Ni’matullah Al-Baarri, S.Pt., MP, Ph.D., from the Diponegoro University Ranking Office, the number of participants who took part in this Webinar was around 4,257 people, consisting of 1,551 government agencies / SOEs, 248 private institutions, 36 NGOs and 2,308 universities and 114 scholars (high school, junior high school, equivalent) spread across 34 provinces in Indonesia and several countries such as Gambia, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Libya, Sudan, Taiwan, Timor-Leste , USA and the Netherlands.

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