
Critical Time Determines the Success of Online Exam

Semarang – Saturday (26/6/2021) is the sixth day of Online Independent Exam of Prospective Undergraduate Students held by Diponegoro University. Up to today, the implementation of online exams has been running orderly and smoothly. This is inseparable from the role of Education Quality Assurance and Development Institute (Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan / LP2MP) Undip as the organizing unit supported by the IT Team of Undip in providing information.

“The Online Independent Exam on this year uses the CAT (Computer Assisted Test) application. Starting from registration to the implementation of the exam, everything runs with the system. It starts with creating an account to register for the exam, then participants get a participant number and exam schedules, all by using a system designed by the Undip IT Team,” explained Head of Education Quality Assurance and Development Institute (Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan / LP2MP) Undip, Dr. Ir. Setia Budi Sasongko, DEA., in an interview on Saturday (26/6/2021).

The exam is held for 10 days from June 21st – July 2nd 2021. In one day the exam is held into 3 sessions. The following is schedule of Online Independent Exam of Prospective Undergraduate Students that is important to note:

Session 1 at 08.00 AM – 10.00 AM

Session 2 at 11.00 AM – 01.00 PM

Session 3 at 02.00 PM – 04.00 PM

The online exam runs for 2 hours, but supervisors and participants are required to join Zoom application 30 minutes before the exam starts for preparation including checking the identity of participants, tutorials and reading the exam rules by supervisors.

Budi Sasongko advised participants to pay attention to the schedule so that they would not be late for the exam. It is also recommended for the participant to practice a lot by doing practice questions. To get used to work on exam questions, participants can also take a tryout before taking the exam. “And the main thing is to pray before the exam so that it will run smoothly,” he said.

It is hoped that by paying attention to the exam time and careful preparation, participants will do good in taking the exam.

For participants who are still having difficulties or for those who need information related to the implementation of Online Exam and New Student Admission, please contact Undip PMB Secretariat via telephone number: 024-7460033 and whatsapp at number: 08112883688 or via email: um @live.undip.ac.id. (Utami-PR)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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