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UNDIP is Ready to Accept More Than Two Thousand Students through SNMPTN

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology has made a guideline regarding the process of acceptance of new undergraduate students that must be carried out by State Universities in Indonesia (Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2020). There are three main pathways for acceptance of new undergraduate students, namely the National Entrance Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN), Joint Entrance Selection for State Universities (SBMPTN) and Independent Exam (UM). In accordance with these regulations, UNDIP will receive a minimum of 20% prospective students from the SNMPTN, 30% from the SBMPTN and a maximum of 50% from the UM.

Vice Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs UNDIP, Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., in an interview on Friday (14/1/2022) explained that the capacity of students acceptance in 2022 is around 10,000 people, so the allocation provided for the SNMPTN is at least 2,000 prospective students. Furthermore, Prof. Faisal explained the requirements for prospective students to pass the SNMPTN, including:

The interest rate of the participants is different every year. To find out the interest rate, it can be accessed on the page. In the 2021 SNMPTN, the most interesting study programs of the Social Humanities field are Psychology Undergraduate Study Program (1750 participants), Communication Science Undergraduate Study Program (1387 participants), and Law Undergraduate Study Program (1378 participants). Meanwhile, for the Science and Technology field are the Medical Undergraduate Study Program (1433 participants), Public Health Undergraduate Study Program (1354 participants), and Nursing Science Undergraduate Study Program (1191 participants).

Regarding UNDIP’s consideration of accepting prospective students through the SNMPTN path, it was stated that this path was implemented nationally by the Institution of University Entrance Exams (LTMPT), based on report cards and other supporting achievements. Currently, the school has coordinated its students to participate in the selection by uploading report cards and students validating their scores according to the results they received. Students can also add supporting data for non-academic achievements that can be used as additional points. All things that have been outlined by LTMPT will be carried out by UNDIP. There is no particular priority from the region, all criteria based on student achievement and school achievement.

With regard to the amount of Single Tuition Fee (UKT) for the prospective students who pass the SNMPTN, it is determined based on the income criteria of the parents/guardians, where prospective students submit a proposal for UKT registration. The determination of the grade is of course on the basis of filling in the validation of the application data. If the prospective student does not apply for the UKT, the prospective student will automatically occupy the highest UKT. Furthermore, those who wish to apply for UKT are requested to learn in detail regarding the UKT form and the file requirements that must be met.

The important schedules for SNMPTN:

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