
Confused about Choosing a Study Program for the SBMPTN? UNDIP Has a Solution

For participants who have not passed the 2022 SNMPTN path, don’t be discouraged, there are still many opportunities to enter state universities on other paths. Still confused about choosing a study program? The following is a brief review by taking the example of Diponegoro University.

“The right choice of study program to be taken by students should be discussed with parents. Why? Because it will determine the lives of students in the next 40 years,” said the Vice Rector for Academics and Student Affairs Undip, Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. in an interview on Monday (4/4/2022).

“For example, Diponegoro University has implemented an outcome-based curriculum (OBE) and the Free Learning – Independent Campus program. Sixty percent of learning systems are based on Project Based Learning and case studies, so students will be closer to the real world. After graduating, students can continue their Master or Doctoral studies,  and later they can become researchers or lecturers, or become employees, both in public and private sectors. They can also continue their parents’ business or become new entrepreneurs. Now, all things related to the needs of the job market become the main reference for the learning system in higher education,” explained Prof. Faisal.

“All tests, both national (SNMPTN and SBMPTN), as well as those managed by universities, namely the Independent Exam (UM), are predictive in nature, meaning that the test results guarantee that prospective students will not encounter obstacles during their four years of studying in higher education. How? Look for information about the study program that you want to take from the website, discuss the curriculum with teachers, parents or acquaintances who have taken that study program in higher education,” he concluded.

For this year, Diponegoro University has prepared more than 34,000 seats for the 2022 UTBK (Computer-Based Written Examination). There are 2200 PCs available for the UTBK implementation. Undip is one of the largest computer providers for the implementation of UTBK. Complete information for PMB Undip can be accessed on the page: pmb.undip.ac.id. (Ut – Public Relations)

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