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ICPSYCHE 2022 by Faculty of Psychology UNDIP Discussed the Importance of Information Security in Society 5.0

Semarang (28/5) – The Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University (Undip) again held an international psychology seminar entitled International Conference on Psychological Studies (ICPSYCHE) 2022. The online international seminar which was held on May 28-29, 2022 raised the theme “Family and Education in Society 5.0: Developing Positive Character Across Generations” by inviting Dr. Endah Kumala Dewi, M.Kes, Lecturer of the Faculty of Psychology Undip as a speaker.

According to Dr. Endah, in an organization there is a set of morals that determine the characteristics of the organization. Social values need to be applied and the role of an accountable leader is very important to maintain the security of information in the organization. “The key to sustainability is security in delivering and preserving information. We can use IT to process information that is used to support organizational development,” said Dr. Endah.

An understanding of information security is the basis for behavioral security, so an understanding of IT is also needed to respond to emerging social problems. To be ready to face changes in the life of Society 5.0, ethical behavior needs to be applied whose characteristics include integrity, honesty, vigilance, and responsibility.

Modern problems that arise due to changes in modern society are regarding information security so that personal data must be protected and confidential. Parents should make it clear to their children that not everyone has access to their personal information. In addition to applying the right parenting style to provide understanding to children, understanding also needs to be given to the older generation who are sometimes still not aware of the privacy of individual information.

“The way is to provide an understanding that personal identities such as identity numbers and bank account numbers are confidential, to set an example for family members so that behavior patterns that are aware of information security can be formed, and to provide understanding to older people not to easily believe hoax news spread in the media,” she said.

To provide protection against the risk of IT development, learning, trust, vigilance is needed; equipped with the application of social values, in the form of collaboration and awareness, as well as ethical moral values, namely controlling and compliance. (Titis – Public Relations)

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