
BPSDM UNDIP Held Live Streaming Masterclass Training

In order to increase the capacity of education staff and student organization (Ormawa) in holding live streaming activities, the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) of Diponegoro University (Undip) held a Live Streaming Masterclass Training for 2 days, on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 7-8. 2022, starting on 08.00 AM at Prof. Soedarto Building, Undip Tembalang campus.

This training was also attended by the Deputy Head of the BPSDM, the UNDIP TV Team, and participants included education staff and student organizations’ members in Undip. The committee invited the practitioners of the live streaming media team consisting of Bobby Martten who explained the material of “Practice of Live Streaming Events Full Online & Hybrid Interactive” and Kukuh who explained about the technical audio during the live streaming.

Deputy Head of the BPSDM Undip, Henny Juliani, S.H., M.H., in her speech said that the purpose of this training was to improve the skills of education staff and students regarding the techniques of live streaming events. “This training activity will provide additional skills, improve the competence, and capacity of the participants regarding the process of live streaming events that are held online or hybrid,” she said.

In her report, Henny Juliani, S.H., M.H. said that this training activity was attended by 97 participants consisting of 32 Undip staff and 65 Undip students. In addition, she also said that this training activity was the first time involving student representatives. “So this is indeed a training activity organized by BPSDM Undip which is the first time to include students from the Student Senate, Student Executive Board, or Student Activity Unit. Since we are a unit with the aims to advance Undip and to improve human resources to become even better,” Henny explained.

“Please participate and learn from the beginning to the end of the training. Hopefully you will get new insight so that Undip can be even more advanced and can be of benefit to all of us,” she concluded.

The material presented on the first day was “Glossary and Knowing Various Event Concepts” which was explained by Hariyani, S.Sos., M.I.Kom. Then it was continued with “Practice of Live Streaming Events Full Online & Hybrid Interactive (Venue&Zoom)” by Bobby Martten&Team and Kukuh.

On the second day of training, UNDIP TV Team provided material on “Full Offline Live Streaming Event Practices”. The event was continued with a presentation on “Live Streaming Practice with Graphic Elements” described by Wishnu Biantoro, S.Hum (Graphic Designer and UNDIP TV Staff).

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