Together with the Indonesia Cyber Education (ICE) Institute, Diponegoro University (Undip) developed an even better quality of online learning and distance education services by conducting training activities using the Open edX Platform by the ICE Institute, on Wednesday (13/6) in the Undip BAAK Meeting Room.

In her remarks, the Academic Director of Student Affairs and Alumni, Hanifa M. Denny, S.KM., MPH., Ph.D. really welcomed this activity. “We all have to be excited and of course this training will provide great benefits,” she said.

While Prof. Paulina Pannen, as the Director of the ICE Institute, expressed her gratitude to all participants for their collaboration and support for the Open Edx Platform Training.

“Thank you for the support and participation that can make this activity run smoothly and get the expected results,” she said.

Besides Undip, several universities also participated in this activity, including the University of Indonesia, Malang State University, Open University and Medan State University.

The Indonesia Cyber Education Institute is a digital marketplace for quality online courses in Indonesia. The main objective of the ICE Institute is to facilitate the provision of quality education while ensuring the quality of online learning and distance education services. Meanwhile, Open edX is the right platform for all learning needs, both as teachers and students. Open edX can be easily scaled, so it can support small learning up to thousands of simultaneous learners. (Lin/Afifah – Public Relations)

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