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DWP UNDIP Held Routine Recitations with the Theme “Tips to Create a Generation of Akhlakul Karimah”

Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) of Diponegoro University (Undip) held a regular recitation with the theme “Tips to Create a Generation of Akhlakul Karimah” inviting Dr. Drs. Syamsulhuda Budi Musthofa, M.Kes (Lecturer of the Faculty of Public Health Undip) as the speaker on Friday (23/9).

Linda Budiyono (Chairman of DWP FKM), as the shohibul bait of the event said that the development of good sons and daughters is the responsibility of parents and is a shared responsibility in educating them to have good and commendable morals.

Meanwhile, Asih Budiastuti Yos Johan Utama, Head of the DWP Undip, said that the theme chosen was very interesting and the participants would know the tips for creating a generation with good morals.

“Parents are role models for children. Children will imitate parents who provide examples of good behavior, good manners or how to respect parents. When they grow up, children will be able to choose friends who support each other in the way of goodness so they don’t fall into the wrong association,” she said.

“In the world of social media, children must also be provided with knowledge and understanding of the ethics of social media. Education for children will continue even though they are adults, so let us all educate children from an early age because this is a form of our responsibility in the afterlife,” continued the chairman of the DWP Undip.

In his material, Dr. Syamsulhuda said sincerity in educating children and producing generations of Akhlakul Karimah always produces patience, fortitude, enthusiasm, and hope that grows in prayer.

“We can learn from the story of Luqmanul Hakim, an ordinary human being who was exalted in rank and glory by Allah, not from the apostles or prophets but his story was immortalized in Surah Luqman. He was a pious person who always spoke the truth and advised goodness, and was given the gift of God in the form of wisdom. To become a dutiful child, from childhood to adulthood to being willing to take care of parents, are our efforts, namely by passing on noble character,” he explained. (Lin – Public Relations)

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