
Deployment of the UNDIP Abdidaya Team towards Ormawa Abdidaya 2022

Semarang Central Java (5/12) – The Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) Team of Diponegoro University (Undip) is ready to participate in the Abdidaya Ormawa 2022 competition which will be held at IPB University on December 6-12, 2022 offline. Abdidaya Ormawa 2022 is a form of appreciation for all support systems for PPK Ormawa activities which this year carries the theme “Strengthening the Capacity of Student Organizations as Agents of Transformation and Nation-Building Based on Technological Innovation to Realize Advanced Indonesia”.

Daud Samsudewa, S.Pt., M.Si., Ph.D., PIC Lecturer of PPK Ormawa Undip in his remarks reported the Undip team that will compete in the Abdidaya Ormawa 2022. Undip became a finalist in the Higher Education Support System category, finalist in the Advisory Lecturer category ( Maal Naylah, S.E., M.Si.), finalist in the Student Organization Support System category (BEM FEB Undip with the innovation “Kemambang Smart Village”), and finalist in the Implementation Team category.

“Please pray for us to be able to do our job well with one goal, Undip excellent,” said Daud Samsudewa.

Undip Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D. gave directions to the Undip team of lecturers and students who will participate in Abdidaya Ormawa 2022. Prof. Faisal stated that this was a real form of very high commitment from students under the guidance of PIC lecturers who worked together to contribute to Undip.

“Whatever the result, we are very appreciative and proud of this extraordinary process. My message, when doing a presentation, must be carried out with confidence because the substance is already very good. Prepare mentally and don’t forget to pray, hopefully you will get the best results and become a champion,” said Vice Rector I Undip. (Titis – Public Relations)

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