Universitas Diponegoro



Diponegoro University obtained accreditation “A” in BAN-PT (106/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/PT/II/2023)

Update Akreditasi BAN-PT Undip (Source)

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2. IKU PTNBH 2022

Universitas Diponegoro menempati peringkat 8 dari seluruh PTNBH di seluruh Indonesia.

3. 4ICU Web/Domain

Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) occupies the position of the top 9 best campuses in Indonesia in the latest release issued by the agency, in January 2023.

As published in the official website http://www.4icu.org/id/, Undip rank 9th best campuses in Indonesia. (Source)

4. QS

Diponegoro University ranked 8 in Indonesia in the QS World University Ranking and ranked 8 in Indonesia in the QS Asian University Ranking

Update Undip Ranking on QS World University Ranking (Source)

Update Undip Ranking on QS Asian University Ranking (Source)

5. UI Greenmetric World University Ranking

Diponegoro University ranking is 29 with score 8750 (ranked 2 in Indonesia)

Update Undip Ranking on World Greenmetrics Ranking (Source)

6. SCImago Institutions Rankings

Undip scientific publications ranked 4 in Indonesia and rangked  611 in the World Ranking in SCImago Institutions Rankings. (source)

7. Webometrics

Diponegoro University in July 2023 ranked 8 in the Indonesia rankings and ranked 1156 in the World Ranking in Webometrics for Website.

Update Undip Ranking on Webometrics for Website (Source)

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