
Three Study Programs of FPIK UNDIP Target Achieving International Accreditation

SEMARANG – Three study programs of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) are targeted to achieve international accreditation. Currently all study programs at FPIK, both for undergraduate, master, and doctor, all programs have A accreditation status, thus it is only one step away from achieving international accreditation.

Dean of FPIK UNDIP, Prof. Ir Tri Winarni Agustini, M.Sc., Ph.D., has targeted that in no later than two years, three study programs in FPIK can achieve international accreditation. “But the principle is, the sooner the better”, said Prof. Tri Winarni Agustini, on Thursday (22/10/2020).

Even though it has set a deadline, the study program that will achieve international accreditation depends on the final process because it depends on the accreditation agency. Moreover, it is still in process with high dynamics. “The certain thing is that the program which is most likely to achieve accreditation is the one that meets the existing requirements. The priority is the undergraduate program, especially Aquaculture Study Program, Marine Science Study Program, and Oceanography Study Program”, he said.

Currently, there are 10 study programs in FPIK, including six undergraduate study programs, two master programs, and two doctoral programs. For undergraduate programs (S1), there are Aquaculture Study Programs, Aquatic Resources Management, Marine Science, Oceanography, Capture Fisheries, and Fishery Product Technology. For S2 study programs, there are Masters in Marine Science and Masters in Coastal Resources Management. Whereas for S3 (doctor), there are Doctor of Marine Science Program and Doctor of Coastal Resource Management Program.

UNDIP is a university that has the most comprehensive marine and fisheries study program in Indonesia, as well as a pioneering university to develop marine science. One of them is the Oceanography Study Program which only exists at UNDIP and ITB, although this knowledge has long been institutionalized in the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia). UNDIP marine science is also one of the pilot study programs started by UNDIP with several other state universities.

The courage of UNDIP to open a rare study program at FPIK itself was established on October 8th 1968, as an expansion of Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries. FPIK UNDIP, which was established on October 8, 1968, is a division of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries. The Dean of FPIK says that the interest of prospective students to study marine and fisheries science tends to increase from year to year. In fact, FPIK can be said to be one of the favorite faculties both in National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN) and Joint Selection for State Universities (SBNPTN).

The high interest in studying marine and fisheries science is encouraging, because it is relevant to the wealth of Indonesia, where two-thirds of its territory is the sea. Therefore, it is UNDIP’s commitment to produce competent fisheries and marine scholarships.

As for the master programs, FPIK UNDIP is committed to producing graduates who are able to collect, process, analyze and interpret data, develop and implement and socialize planning concepts and techniques, as well as monitoring and evaluation of integrated management of marine resources. Meanwhile, for doctoral programs, the aim is to produce doctorates who are able to develop the concepts of science, technology and research, and are able to work in the field of marine science management and coastal resource management with an interdisciplinary approach.

As a form of commitment to human and scientific development, students studying at FPIK are not only given learning theories about fisheries and marine affairs, but also practice, including entrepreneurship, so that they can open businesses and jobs when graduating. Apart from the Tembalang campus, FPIK also has a campus in Teluk Awur called Marine Station and Coastal Development Laboratory (Laboratorium Pengembangan Wilayah Pantai) which is located in Tahunan District, Teluk Awur Beach, Jepara Regency.

“Today, our graduates have entered all lines. Whether it is the State Civil Service (Aparatur Sipil Negara), taking part in industry, factories, private companies, and entrepreneurship by opening jobs for others”, said Tri Winarni Agustini.

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