Undip is Ready to Implement Computer-Based Exam 2021 by Implementing Health Protocols

Diponegoro University will hold a Computer-Based Exam (Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer / UTBK) for student admission in 2021 through Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri / SBMPTN). The test will be held on April 12th – 30th 2021 and located in several campus locations. In 2021, the seat capacity (in 28 sessions) is available for a total of 30,380 participants. Meanwhile, the number of Computer-Based Exam applicants at Undip is 25,302 with the number of scientific program applicants is 12,681, for social studies applicants is 11,971 and both program applicants is 650.

Undip Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos., M.Pol., Admin., Ph.D. conveyed that many preparations had been carried out well, including checking the availability of rooms, computers, facilities including health protocols, as well as guard room officers and health workers. “We have conducted several simulations for this implementation,” said Prof. Budi.

In this year,  Computer-Based Exam at Undip UTBK accepts blind participants, but in 2021 there is no blind participant who register. Meanwhile, there are 4 participants with disabilities this year whose test locations will be held in library of Faculty of Humanities Undip.

In implementation of Computer-Based Exam, Undip holds 24 sessions on April 12th – 19th 2021 and April 26th – 30th 2021. There are 390 participants at Undip Pleburan campus for every day (2 sessions), while at Undip Tembalang campus there are 1,980 participants (2 sessions) every day.

The implementation of the exam will strictly implement health protocols as regulated by Institution of University Entrance Exams (Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi / LTMPT). Dr. Ir. Setia Budi Sasongko, DEA as the Chairperson of Educational Quality Assurance and Development Institute (Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan / LP2MP) Undip, in an interview on Tuesday (6/4) explained, “For the implementation of Computer-Based Exam 2021 starting on next April 12th, Undip applies health protocols that have been regulated by Institution of University Entrance Exams.”

Furthermore, Sasongko explained the preparations that have been made, such as the availability of a sink for washing hands outside the building for participants to wash their hands before entering the room. The officer will check the body temperature for each participant and the committee. The medical officers from Diponegoro National Hospital are also on guard during the exam.

Requirements to take part in Computer-Based Exam 2021 are students who graduate in 2019, 2020, and 2021 from secondary education (High School / Islamic High School / Vocational High School and equivalent), as well as graduates of Package C in 2019, 2020, and 2021 with a maximum age of 25 years. Complete information about the location, regulations for participants and other information can be accessed on the https://utbk.undip.ac.id page. (Utami-Public Relations)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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