Undip Rector Inaugurates 8 Faculty Leaders

The Rector of Diponegoro University Prof. Yos Johan Utama inaugurated 8 Deans and structural officials at Undip on Tuesday (1/15) at the Undip Tembalang SA-MWA Building Hall.

In the event, the Rector said that inside the oath of office, there are consequences of responsibility on both current and after life that must be carried by the new officials. He hoped that the new officials could maintain and uphold their oath commitment because being a leader is not a goal, but a mandate to dedicate themselves to institutional progress.

“The new officials must be inside the corridor and procedure when taking policies in accordance with the existing legislation so that it will not cause any trouble” said the Rector.

The Rector added that facing the very fast challenges and changes in the global environment, universities are expected not only to be responsive, but to be the frontline to create the direction of the development of civilization.

“The Rector hopes that the new deans will be able to work together to bring Undip to progress and prosper,” he said.

On that occasion, Rector expressed his gratitude to the former deans who have dedicated themselves in developing Undip.

Below are the lists of the new deans for each faculty:

Faculty of Law: Prof.RetnoSaraswati,SH,M.Hum

Faculty of Economy and Business: Dr.Suharnomo,SE,MSi

Faculty of Engineering: Ir.M Agung Wibowo,Ph.D

Faculty of Medicine: Dr.dr. Dwi Pudjonarko

Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Science: Dr. Ir. Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetyo

Faculty of Social Science and Political Science: Dr.Drs. Hardi Warsono

Faculty of Humanities: Dr. Nurhayati, M.Hum.

Faculty of Public Health:  Dr.Budiyono,S,KM,M.Kes

In addition to the deans above, there are also an inauguration of the Head of the Study Program, Secretary of the Study Program, and Head of the General Sub Division.


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