UNDIP Held Workshop to Strengthen Alumni Networks in Jakarta

Diponegoro University was holding a Workshop on Strengthening Alumni Network of Diponegoro University in the Context of reaching the World Class University title focusing on the utilization of application system consisting of alumni databases, exits, surveys, tracer studies, and integrated user satisfaction, on Friday (10/25) at the Aryaduta Hotel Semarang. The event was attended by the Vice Rector of Communications and Business Dr. Darsono, SE., Akt., MBA, Undip Director of Communication and Alumni Relations Drs. Mujid F Amin, MPd, and 100 Undip alumni.

The speakers that presents at the workshop includes Dr. Darsono, SE., Akt., MBA, Dr. Denny Nugroho Sugianto, S.T., M.Sc (Head of WCU), Maryono, S.E., M.M (Head of DPP IKA Undip).

Undip’s Director of Communication and Alumni Relations Drs. Mujid F Amin, MPd in his address said that the Workshop was held so that participants could be actively involved, both in conveying their difficulties and contributing ideas that built the system for the better.

“This activity is expected to be a gathering place between Diponegoro University and alumni so that the relationship between the two will become closer,” Mujid said.

The workshop focuses on the following matters:

  1. Discussions related to ways of connecting between alumni from different work backgrounds to produce benefits for both parties.
  2. Building relations between the campus and alumni.
  3. Discussion on suggestions and input from alumni to improve campus quality.

The Purpose of Strengthening Diponegoro University Alumni Network in the Context of reaching the title of World Class University aims as follows:

  1. Embracing the alumni of Diponegoro University who work in multinational companies.
  2. Establishing a friendly relationship between Diponegoro University and alumni.
  3. Strengthening the alumni network to always be able to provide information on the needs of the workforce and to use Undip graduates both internships and work in the same place (multinational companies) or recommending to other places.
  4. Periodically monitoring and evaluating the alumni who work at multinational companies / institutions by sending alumni information data updates.
  5. Collecting data on alumni who continue their studies or working in multinational companies / institutions.
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