UNDIP Vocational School Determined to be the Largest Patent Contributor

SEMARANG – Vocational School of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) is determined to be the largest patent contributor as a form of contribution through works and innovations that are beneficial to the community. This determination strengthened after the university decided that the Undip Vocational School should focus on the Applied Undergraduate Study Program (STr) or Diploma IV.

As soon as the policy focused on implementing the Applied Undergraduate Study Program, and removing the Diploma III program on the main campus, in 2020 Undip Vocational School will immediately become the largest contributor of Ordinary Patents with 4 patents. Then from the records of the Undip Administration of Innovation, Cooperation, Foreign Relations and Accreditation  Bureau (BAIKLA), until March 2021, of the 3 Ordinary Patents that Undip successfully registered, 2 Ordinary Patents were contributions from the Vocational School.

Two Ordinary Patents with a validity period of 20 years are “Heterogeneous Base Catalyst Production Process for Calcium Methoxide from Chicken Eggshell” produced by Vita Paramita; Indahsari Kusuma Dewi; Mohamad Endy Yulianto; Rizka Amalia; and Heny Kusumayanti; and the “Production Process of Anti-Microbial Fabric Natural Dye Liquid Preparations”, a collective work of Vita Paramita; Rizka Amalia; and Heny Kusumayanti. The two patents were registered within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights on January 6th 2021.

The Dean of Undip Vocational School, Prof. Dr. Ir.Budiyono, M. Si, stated that vocational schools should become patent warehouses, especially after the campus authority’s policy directed them to focus on applied undergraduate education programs. “We will encourage lecturers, researchers and students at the Vocational School to be able to work optimally,” said Prof. Budiyono, on Monday (20/12/2021).

Prof. Budiyono stated that in 2022 the number of patents submitted by the Undip Vocational School will be even more. He estimated about 40 patents to be registered. Regarding whether to enter the category of Ordinary Patents or Simple Patents, according to him, it really depends on the form of innovation and findings. “Yes, we will adjust to the rules,” he said.

To support the patent development of the unit he led, Budiyono prepared a Patent Acceleration Facilitator Team at the Undip Vocational School. It is certain that the Facilitator Team will be formed in January 2022 so that the management process is well facilitated. At least, with the assistance of facilitator, researchers can concentrate on their innovations. “This facilitator team also received very strong support from the Undip Director of Innovation and Research Cooperation,” he added.

Recently, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology through the Director General of Higher Education continues to encourage the patenting of works and innovations of academics. The goal is that patented works can provide benefits and empowerment for human life as well as provide protection to researchers both legally, morally and economically. With a patent, the downstream process will be easier to do because it is clear who the license owner or rights holder is.

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is also passionately looking for innovations that can answer problems that exist in society, government and industry. BRIN is known to be active in facilitating research projects to overcome stunting, carry out Covid-19 vaccination, Covid-19 detection, and others. There are nine fields that BRIN is trying to develop its research into, namely food-agriculture, defense and security, engineering, maritime, multidisciplinary, social and cultural arts-education, transportation, new and renewable energy, and health and medicine.

The development of research and innovations carried out by academics today, apart from getting support from units, universities and ministries and institutions, is also protected by law. Currently there are regulations regarding Patents, Copyrights and Brands. For Patents, there is Law Number 13 of 2016 concerning Patents, which stipulates that Patents are granted for Inventions that are new, contain inventive steps, and can be applied in industry. While a simple patent is granted for any new invention, development of an existing product or process, and can be applied in industry.

As for Copyrights, namely the exclusive rights of the creators that arise automatically based on declarative principles after a work is realized in a tangible form without reducing restrictions. It is in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, one of them is Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. As for brands, there is Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Brands and Geographical Indications.

“We hope that all departments and study programs within the Undip Vocational School can contribute to producing works and innovations that are beneficial for the community according to their competencies and areas of expertise,” said Prof. Budiyono. (PR team)

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