
UNDIP Strengthens National Ideology to Prevent Radicalism

SEMARANG – To ward off the development of radicalism within higher education institutions, Diponegoro University (UNDIP) conducts a National Ideology Strengthening Program for the entire academic community. “The program to anticipate the emersion of radicalism and intolerance has been carried out by Undip since 2011”, Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum., said that when he opened Public Lecture with the theme “Strengthening National Ideology for Diponegoro University Leaders”. Attending as speaker at this public lecture, Director of Prevention of National Counter Terrorism Agency of 2017-2020 period, Inspector General of Police (ret) Ir. H. Hamli, M.E. who explained “National Insight: Building a Golden Generation in 2045”, and Undip senior psychologist, Dr. Hastaning Sakti, M.Kes., Psi, who presented discussion of “Transpersonal Psychology for Strengthening the National Ideology”.

“This public lecture is very important to enlighten us in fighting radicalism. This enlightenment must be applied correctly and softly for one goal to stay loyal to the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, UUD 45, and Bhineka Tunggal Ika”, said Undip Rector in his remarks at the event which was held online on Wednesday (11/11/2020).

According to Undip Rector, to fight radicalism in soft way is by instilling love and loyalty to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, UUD 45 and Bhineka Tunggal Ika, is not new. This step has been carried out since 2011.

To be sure, Diponegoro University is very concerned about the threat of radicalism in the campus environment. Indeed, said Prof. Yos, the effort in fighting radicalism is not easy. He gives an example by terminating work of a staff who got a problem related to radicalism. However, Undip do not want to be silent and chose to fight in a responsible way.

The choice is to do it legally, of course with the right legal strategies that require complete evidence. Lacking of one evidence, it could be a legal problem for the institution. “If we just shout about fighting radicalism, it will be easy because there are no legal consequences”, said Prof. Yos Johan.

Meanwhile, Director of Prevention of National Counter Terrorism Agency, Ir. H. Hamli, M.E., revealed that to build a golden generation in 2045, 21st century skills are needed which includes three things, namely character quality, basic literacy, and competence. “For basic literacy and competence, I believe all ladies and gentlemen are capable”, said Hamli.

He explained that the qualities of the characters referred to include religiosity, nationalism, independence, mutual cooperation, and integrity. Meanwhile, basic literacy includes language literacy, numeracy, science, digital, financial, as well as cultural and civic literacy. The competencies needed to build a golden generation consist of critical thinking skills, creativity, communication and collaboration skills.

Concerning about character qualities, religiosity and nationalism must be given together. Excessive emphasis on nationalism can make people following a particular sect, being agnostic, or following secularism. On the other hand, if we only study religiosity without nationalism, people will tend to want to change the Homeland into other forms. Therefore, it is important that religiosity and nationalism are given together.

Currently there are 4 major things that can threaten the Republic of Indonesia, namely: Corruption, Narcotics, Terrorism, Natural Disasters. Corruption is handled by National Police, Attorney General’s Office, Corruption Eradication Commission, and other institutions. The issue of corruption is often used by groups as an excuse to replace the Republic of Indonesia so that law enforcement is easier so that corruption does not exist anymore. Narcotics crimes handled by National Police and National Narcotics Agency and it does not have much resistance from the public. It is different if those who are arrested are terrorists, the incident is often triggering certain groups to speak up and even cause upheaval.

Psychologist Dr. Hastaning Sakti, M.Kes., Psi, said character education for Undip new students has been carried out since 2011. In character education, students have competence, there are learning skills such as trustworthiness and intelligence. When teaching thinking skills about having good competence, the organizers must also be smart, it is where the leadership skills of nationalism are taught. Living skills are also taught, then morals and ethics become a religious human being.

“The expected result is to make students embrace great characters according to the Undip vision, namely Honest, Fair, Brave, and Caring”, he said.

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