RS Diponegoro UNDIP Gelar Webinar “Obesity Update: Perawatan Komprehensif”

Diponegoro National Hospital of Diponegoro University held a Webinar of “Obesity Update: Comprehensive Treatments” on (19/6). Obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat due to an imbalance between energy intake and energy used for a long time. Obesity triggers a number of health risks and psychological disorders including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and even stress and depression. Losing weight is a big challenge for some people, by changing lifestyle in step by step it will make the process of losing weight easier and make people avoid obesity.

“We know that the current situation is a pandemic, but on the other hand, we must still develop and increase the need of knowledge, the expertise sides and anticipate various health issues outside of the pandemic. We know obesity is something that is important to anticipate,” said Dr. dr. Sutopo Patria Jati, MM., M.Kes, as the President Director of Diponegoro National Hospital when opening the webinar.

In her session of seminar, dr. Annta Kern Nugrohowati, M. Si., Sp.GK said that the unwanted effects of obesity are nervous system disorders, such as headaches; kidney and urinary disorders; metabolic disorders; hypersensitivity in the form of itching, redness; digestive disorders, including abdominal pain, fat spots, unable to hold bowel movements and flatulence; and other disorders such as upper/lower respiratory tract infections, influenza, menstrual irregularities, anxiety and fatigue.

“Diet for weight loss must be chosen properly and specifically different for each individual. Pharmacotherapy or fat blockers can be used to help in losing weight,” said dr. Annta.

While on the occasion, dr. Rachmad Wishnu Hidayat, Sp.KO said that obesity must be controlled, obesity control is done through a low-calorie diet and increased activity at home, work and doing moderate-heavy physical exercise up to 300 minutes per week so that indicators of obesity improvement are achieved.

“Physical exercise to control obesity that is safe is an exercise that is non or less weight bearing and low impact. It is attempted to do exercises using the HIIT method so that the improvement goals are achieved more quickly. The duration of training at intervals, divided into 2 to 3 short sessions per day, is often more capable and chosen than the long continuous duration per session, 60 to 90 minutes,” he said.

Meanwhile, in terms of psychology, Annisa Maimunah, M.Psi said that the role of psychotherapy in managing obesity is to help manage diet and activity patterns, to manage stress and to increase motivation in undergoing medical therapy. The causes of obesity are diet, activity patterns and genetic causes, hormones, psychological disorders (stress) or other medical disorders. (Linda – Public Relations)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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