
Laboratorium Sentral RS Diponegoro Gelar Vaksinasi Bagi Mahasiswa dan Keluarga Karyawan Undip

The Central Laboratory of Diponegoro National Hospital is currently being prepared for the implementation of Covid-19 vaccination. Vaccination activities are planned to start on Thursday (05/08/2021). In the initial stage, vaccination is intended for students and families of Diponegoro University employees. Vaccination registration can be done through SSO (Single Sign On) Diponegoro University, by registering the full name and ID number.

Undip Vice Rector for Communication and Business, Dwi Cahyo Utomo, SE., MA., Ph.D while observing the preparation of vaccination area on Monday afternoon (02/08/2021), explained that this vaccination service is part of Undip’s efforts to prevent the spread of virus and fortify big families of Undip from being infected by Covid-19 virus.

“All Undip employees have been vaccinated, but their families have not been vaccinated. Now family members also need to be vaccinated to protect and gain immunity from exposure to Covid-19. Likewise for Undip students, many of them have not received vaccination. For this reason, in the initial stage, our priority is Undip students and Undip employees’ families. For the next stage, it is opened to the community around Tembalang,” explained Dwi Cahyo.

The implementation of this vaccination is under the supervision of doctors and health workers at Diponegoro National Hospital who have experience in carrying out vaccinations. The smooth process of the vaccination also depends on the results of registration and confirmation of participants to come.

“Diponegoro National Hospital had once held vaccinations, but at that time it was priority vaccination for doctors and health workers. This vaccination activity has made us have a vaccine team of 15 doctors and health workers who are reliable and experienced in carrying out vaccination. To vaccinate Undip students and Undip employees’ families, we will increase the number of doctors and health workers to 23 people with a target of 400 people to get vaccinated per day. If it goes well, the target can be increased to 700 people per day,” explained Dr. dr. Sutopo Patria Jati, MM., M.Kes as the Director of Diponegoro National Hospital.

The success of the vaccination implementation at Central Laboratory of Diponegoro National Hospital cannot be separated from the role of Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University. In addition to including lecturers at Faculty of Medicine who are also experienced doctors at Diponegoro National Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Undip plans to deploy students and resident doctors to help the implementation of vaccination. This was conveyed by the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Undip, Prof. Dr. dr. Dwi Pudjonarko, M.Kes., Sp.S(K).

“This vaccination center cannot be separated from the role of Faculty of Medicine Undip as a source of human resources. Our lecturers are also doctors at Diponegoro National Hospital. All medical students and residents involved to support the success of Undip program as a vaccination center,” said Prof. Onang, the nickname of Dean of Faculty of Medicine Undip.

The Central Laboratory located in Diponegoro National Hospital area is chosen as the right place to carry out vaccinations. Besides being comfortable and spacious, the place is always kept clean so it is easy to implement health protocols. However, setting the vaccine schedule for participants needs to be strictly regulated. For this reason, it is hoped that vaccine participants who have registered through SSO, to be disciplined in time by coming according to the predetermined schedule. This is to prevent the crowds of participants. The type of vaccine that will be given is Sinovac which has been declared to meet international standards by WHO, both in the manufacturing process, safety and efficacy. (PR Team)

Translated by: Titis – Public Relations

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