Webinar of Academic Career Strategies Held by Faculty of Psychology UNDIP: A Person’s Career is Influenced by the Environment

SEMARANG – A person’s career is influenced by the environment in which he is in, therefore a leader needs to build a good work environment to create positive energy. One of the important points given by the environment is the existence of a role model.

Those are some important points that were noted from the “Academic Career Strategies: Evidence-based Practices and Personal Experiences Webinar” held by Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University (UNDIP), as a series of the Leadership and Career Development Webinar Series, on Friday (8/10/2021).

Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of Faculty of Psychology Undip, Dr. Phil. Dian Veronika Sakti Kaloeti, S.Psi., M.Psi. gave her remarks as opening of the collaborative activity between Faculty of Psychology Undip and Center for Career and Capacity Development Studies (CAREERS). This activity is carried out to support the program of “The 2nd Visiting World Class Professor Program, WCU UNDIP 2021” as well as to commemorate the 64th Anniversary of Diponegoro University.

Veronika emphasized that the activity was also intended to support the implementation of SDGs number 4 (Quality Education) and 17 (Partnership for the Goals). In addition, it is also expected to be a communication training arena in international forums for undergraduate and postgraduate students at Faculty of Psychology Undip.

The resource persons of this webinar are Prof. Sen Sendjaya, Ph.D (Professor of Leadership at Swinburne University of Technology Australia); and Prof. Dian Ratna Sawitri S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Dean of Faculty of Psychology Undip). The moderator of the event is Dr. Novi Qonitatin, S.Psi., MA.

Prof. Sendjaya presented a presentation entitled “Career Strategy: Evidence-based Practice and Personal Experience”. He said that in thinking about a career, a person usually bases it on everyday experiences. Then, the preference of someone in his career will be influenced by the environment in which he works.

Therefore, he reminded, in this case the role of the leader is very important to pay attention to the aspirations and needs of his subordinates so that the work environment is productive. “That kind of leader would be better. That kind of leader gives positive energy for his subordinates to always learn new things,” he explained.

Good leaders should have a commitment to promote quality and productivity in their work environment.  Besides supporting their subordinates, they also need to provide enlightenment to staff and help them with directions that can be used as guidelines.

According to him, nowadays many people work monotonously. For example, lecturers who have monotonous activities by teaching, preparing to teach, writing papers, doing administrative work, so often they think, “Why do I have to do this, that way”.

Sendjaya revealed his experience when he was a new lecturer. “When I read essays on the same topic written by hundreds of students, I have to enjoy it. This was taught by my leaders on campus,” he revealed his experience.

It is important to note, if the leader provides good assistance, it will encourage his subordinates to love their work. “I remember how my leader told me to give good comments on student writings to inspire them and to advance their future. So, the leaders must give good motivation to their subordinates.”

Another thing he expressed was questioning himself about his dreams. “Are you an academic or aspire to be an academic? When I was in college, I wanted to be an academic, because I wanted to make something different and devote my knowledge,” he said.

Therefore, the development of his academic career continues by referring to the process of working in research, teaching, administration fields. After all, a lecturer in developing his career must not only teach and conduct research, but also to conduct the administration process orderly.

Meanwhile, the Dean of Faculty of Psychology Undip, Prof. Dian Ratna Sawitri, Ph.D, said that careers are influenced by the work environment, the ability to create networks, and the way to communicate. These three factors will make a significant contribution to someone in developing a career and supporting their goals.

Prof. Dian gave an example of herself who communicates a lot with a number of researchers and journal writers. “I have a habit of looking for the original person (the author, ed). I do that in order to look for interesting inspiration. Environment  is very influential in encouraging someone to do research,” she explained.

A young lecturer should have a role model, namely a senior lecturer who can be a role model in supporting his career. “The existence of role models for juniors is important and the works of seniors can be input for juniors. Besides teaching, lecturers also have to do community service and do research. Both activities must be balanced. People who enter the academic world must know so that they know their career paths.”

According to her, the first time you become a new lecturer, you must be able to position yourself and know what the career system is like, so that you can develop your ideas. “The flow is also similar in doing research,” said Sawitri.

In her observations, how a person gets aspirations for his future in general is formed due to internal and environmental factors. “For example, when a person has chosen a goal, then he must think by studying whether it is good enough for him. If you have a dream, ask yourself if there is good hope for the future that matches your lifestyle. So slowly think about the best career path for you,” she said. (PR team)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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