
The Implementation of UTBK-SBMPTN at UNDIP Complied with Health Protocols

The implementation of the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) for the second day of Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN) which was held at the Diponegoro University Campus (Wednesday, 18/5) went well and smoothly. Prospective participants are required to bring the required documents to take the 2022 UTBK-SBMPTN test, including Exam Participant Identity Cards, Photocopies of High School / Vocational High School / MA or equivalent and legalized certificates (Original Diploma) or SKL (Graduation Certificate) or Certificate of Grade 12 from the Principal, the latest color photo affixed with the school stamp, and Identity Card (Original).

UTBK at the Undip campus is still implementing health protocols, by checking body temperature, wearing masks, maintaining distance and staying away from crowds. The number of participants is adjusted to the capacity and number of seats in each room for each session. Before entering the room, the UTBK participants seemed to obey health protocols and were calm while taking the exam.

According to Arif Racman Hakim as the exam supervisor at the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, there were 20 (twenty) participants in the room but one was absent.

“There are no technical problems, the internet network is smooth, everything is going well. Before the exam, participants are checked with a Handheld Metal Detector and their temperature is checked, then the supervisor checks the completeness of the files,” he said.

During the exam, participants are prohibited from asking anyone for answers to questions, collaborating or communicating (talking) with other participants, giving and or receiving assistance in answering exam questions, showing their own work/answers to other participants or seeing other participants’ work/answers, leaving the examination room during the examination, except with the permission of the examiner, replaces or is replaced by another person. If a participant commits cheating, the person concerned will be recorded in the Record of Examination Violations (BAPU). (Lin – Public Relations)

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