dr. Moh Syarofil Anam, M.Si.Med, Sp.A: Strong Children After the Covid-19 Pandemic

Children are the successors of the nation’s ideals. Maintaining children’s health has an important role for the future of Indonesia. Children who are healthy, strong, intelligent, creative, innovative, and have strong characters will be the nation’s assets in the future. A nation that is able to compete on the international level is a nation that has superior resources. Therefore, the community and parents are expected to have more awareness and attention to the health and growth of their children so that in the future they will be able to have a role in the progress of the nation.

In the framework of National Children’s Day, PKRS RSND raised the theme “Strong Children After the Covid-19 Pandemic” in the Healthy Life Talk Show which was held on Thursday, July 21, 2022 and invited resource person, dr. Moh Syarofil Anam, M.Si.Med, Sp.A.

In this talk show, it was explained that the Covid-19 case had not been completed, even some children had become victims. Strong child is a child who is able to live a normal life during a pandemic. After 2 years of online school activities, it is hoped that when teaching and learning activities are carried out offline, children will still have an immune system and be able to adapt to the environment.

Many children are gaining weight during this pandemic. What is feared is that children are obese, this can be used as a momentum for parents to guard and provide understanding to children so that they continue to apply clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS).

“Even though children are now starting offline schools, their nutrition intake must be adequate so that children stay fit in the midst of busy school activities. Nutritional intake needs must be adjusted to the child’s age and parents must monitor and ensure that the child’s nutritional needs are met. It is better for parents to prepare lunch boxes for their children so that they can adjust their nutritional needs. In simple terms, parents need to provide protein to their children so that children’s growth can be optimal.” said dr. Anam.

Special protection for children and the fulfillment of children’s rights can be carried out by parents. dr. Anam explained several things that could be done including identifying potential disturbances in children when carrying out offline learning activities after previously being carried out online. Thus health rights are fulfilled, since the environment is sometimes less friendly to children, such as many people smoking in public places. Of course this must be a concern for parents, and schools must be able to fulfill children’s rights while undergoing education, both health and socially.

“The government’s suggestion to optimize offline learning is carried out to fulfill children’s education rights. However, because the pandemic has not ended, parents must pay more attention because a child’s health rights cannot be taken away. Procedures, health protocols, and the school environment must be considered so that children’s health is maintained,” explained dr. Anam.

“In order to commemorate National Children’s Day, let parents work together to maintain the health of their children. During these 2 years children have felt the effects of pandemic and this pandemic is not over yet. Currently, children carry out learning activities at school, so parents must pay attention to their children to stay healthy at school, ensure that children have received vaccines, and ensure that schools continue to implement their health protocols so that children remain healthy and strong in the midst of this pandemic.” concluded Dr. Anam.

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