Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Needs Assessment Workshop

The Needs Assessment Workshop that was held at the Grand Candi Hotel on 18-19 June 2019 & Horizon Pekalongan Hotel on 20 June 2019, is a continuation of the Stakeholder Assessment Activity on 25-26 March 2019.

The workshop was opened by Dr. Ir. Bambang Purwanggono, M.Eng as Director of the Directorate of Research and Industry Cooperation of UNDIP then continued by Erik de Ruijter van Steveninck from IHE Delft. This time, the workshop was attended by Bouke Ottow from Deltares, Prof. Erwin van der Krabben from Radboud University, F.X. Suryadi from IHE Delft and various Heads from Department PU SDA TARU Central Java, Bappeda of Central Java Province, Bappeda of Pekalongan city, BBWS Pemali Juana, Maritime and Fisheries Official of Central Java, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Official of Pekalongan city, Environmental Agency of Central Java Province, Environmental Agency of Pekalongan city, and the Coordinator of One Resilient Semarang.

In addition, the workshop in Pekalongan have invited several communities, and associations related to coastal management issues.

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