UNDIP Accepts Prospective Students from Underprivileged Groups or KIP Holders on the UM S1 Pathway

Just recently, Diponegoro University announced the participants who passed the selection for the S1 Mandiri Exam on Friday (21/8/2020) at 21.00 WIB. Of the 57,276 registrants, 4,489 participants passed the UM S1 selection, of which 272 were from the KIPK route.

The novelty in the implementation of UM S1 selection this year is that UNDIP opens channels for applicants from underprivileged groups or KIP holders in the UM S1 selection. For information, at the 2020 UM S1 selection, UNDIP opened 3 channels, namely regular, partnership and underprivileged groups or KIP holders.

In addition, if previously new student admissions for the Mandiri S1 pathway were carried out with a written exam, due to the pandemic in 2020 the written exam was replaced with a portfolio. Therefore, UM S1 selection participants are required to fill in the report card portfolio data from semester 1 to 5 as well as attaching other achievements to be uploaded with the provided application.

In the UM S1 selection this year, for the Social Humanities program, the Faculty of Law became the favorite with 3,786 interests. As for Science and Technology, the Faculty of Medicine became the favorite with 7,680 interests.

UNDIP Rector Prof. Yos Johan Utama, SH., M.Hum. congratulate prospective students who have been accepted through the UM S1 pathway. “UNDIP is one of the best campuses in Indonesia which prioritizes the quality of education and morals to produce graduates who are reliable, skilled and filled with moral”, said Prof. Yos.

Announcement of the results of the UNDIP S1 Mandiri Exam selection for the academic year 2020/2021 can be accessed at the link: announcement.undip.ac.id

In connection with the announcement of the acceptance of UM S1 selection process, UNDIP issued an official format used for online registration.

The acceptance of UM S1 students from underprivileged groups or KIP holders is a concrete form of UNDIP opening up opportunities for students from disadvantaged families to study at UNDIP.

Plt. Vice Rector III for Communication and Academic Affairs, Dwi Cahyo Utomo, SE., MA., Ph.D. added that the UM S1 new student admission program attempts to equalize opportunities for all groups of people studying at UNDIP. “Tuition costs and the SPI (Institutional Development Contribution) are also guided by the provisions of Permendikbud number 25 of 2020,” Dwi explained.

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