
Discussing Food Security After Pandemic, FPP UNDIP Invites Speakers from 4 Countries

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Covid-19 has had many impacts on the lives of people in the world, including the agricultural sector. Food security between countries is falling apart because the marketing process is disrupted. Based on these conditions, the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Diponegoro University takes the initiative to hold an international conference entitled “Reframing Food Sovereignty After Covid-19”. This online seminar is not only to discuss about the condition of world food security after the pandemic, but also to increase understanding of the 4 Sustainable Development Goals, namely related to zero hunger, good health and well-being, climate change, and life on land.

The seminar which is conducted virtually through the Zoom application, is held on Tuesday, October 20th 2020. The event is attended by 500 participants, come from all regions in Indonesia, and the furthest come from Turkey. Starting from 08.30 to 16.30, all participants listen to the conditions and solutions presented by 4 speakers who are from Australia, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia. Each of them is Prof. Peter J. Batt, Ass. Prof. Dr. Patthra Pason, Jonatahan Vergara Sabiniano, M.Sc, and Prof. Anang M. Legowo.

Opened by Dr. Ir. Bambang Waluyo, H. E. P., M.S., M.Agr., IPU as Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Diponegoro University, he states that this event is a joint multi-stakeholder effort to redefine what food security means after a pandemic. In his remarks, he also indicates that this big step is not only the responsibility of the government or farmers, but also consumers, activists and the private sector. Companies from small to huge enterprise must also take a role because this is a collective work, from providing input, production, post-harvest, to marketing.

Prof. Peter J. Batt from Curtin University states that the pandemic has changed the taste and lifestyle of consumers. In fact, this is an opportunity to increase awareness of farmers as producers regarding issues of health, environment, and food safety. Added by Jonathan V. Sabiniano, M.Sc from the Department of Agriculture in the Philippines, Covid-19 has brought changes to the distribution of livestock products in the Philippines. It primarily relates to regional quarantine, policies, and the formation of a special team that handles food at regional and national levels.

On the other hand, Pason Patthra from King Mongkut’s University of Technology, emphasizes that food security can be achieved if a modern agricultural system is created that utilizes the use of microbes to make it more environmentally friendly. Finally, Prof. Anang M. Legowo from Diponegoro University, explains that besides food and livestock products, the fruit sector also needs special attention. Covid-19 has led to awareness of the importance of fruit consumption. This can be an opportunity to create production, marketing, post-harvest policies, and efforts to consume local fruit.

At the end of the event, Dr. Siwi Gayatri as the head of the organizer, says that all of these thoughts would be achieved when there is cooperation from various sciences, both natural and social sciences. This event is also a vehicle for thinking about the fate of food security in the future, especially in Indonesia. It is an opportunity between researchers from the government, academics, farmers, and companies to exchange ideas so that they can find a comprehensive solution to the problem of food security amid the Covid-19 tragedy can be seen comprehensively. In addition, this event is a key for developing connections between stakeholders both at home and abroad, so they can understand the conditions of food security in various countries after the pandemic.

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