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Setia Budi Sasongko: Participants of Undip Independent Exam Have the Same Rights and Opportunities

Semarang – Diponegoro University is still holding Online Independent Exam of Prospective Undergraduate Students. Thursday (24/6/2021) is the fourth day of implementation of online exam. The online exam is held for 10 days starting from June 21st – July 2nd 2021. This is the first online exam held on this year. Previously, the selection of Independent Exam used report cards and portfolios.

“There are technical differences in the implementation of Undip Independent Exam this year with the previous year. If in the previous year the selection is using of report cards and portfolios, on this year the requirement is added with a computer-based written test that is done from their respective domiciles considering that it is still a pandemic,” said Dr. Ir. Setia Budi Sasongko, DEA as Head of Education Quality Assurance and Development Institute (Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan / LP2MP) Undip in an interview on Thursday (26/6/2021). He added, “Although the exams are conducted from their respective domiciles, there is still strict control by the supervisory officers. Examinees are required to use Zoom application and turn on the camera while taking the exam. This is done to optimize the honesty of the examinees.

There are two materials of Undip Independent Exam in 2021, they are Academic Potential Test and Scholastic Potential Test. Scholastic Potential Test is used to measure the general abilities of prospective students consists of five aspects, namely citizenship, numeric, logic, Indonesian, and English. While Academic Potential Test is for measuring more specific things, for Science and Technology fields consists of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Mathematics subjects. Meanwhile for Social and Humanities fields consist of History, Geography, Sociology, and Economics subjects.

Considering that this is the first online exam to be held, there are still some participants who experience difficulties or obstacles, including: Zoom application that suddenly turns off which causes the officers to lose contact with the participants. There are also participants who cannot take the online exam because the data entered is not similar with data on the system. There are also participants who have difficulty logging in during the exam because they did not take part in the previous trial of Independent Exam.

“In order to give equal rights to all online exam participants, the committee offers participants who experience problems, difficulties and special reasons to take the exam scheduled for July 1st 2021 in accordance with the terms and conditions,” he explained. “This is done so that all participants get the same rights and opportunities to compete through Independent Exam path,” he concluded. (Utami-PR)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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