
Undip Students in Student Community Service at Meraran Village West Sumbawa Helped Residents in Making Lotus Root Chips

The lotus flower is an aquatic plant that grows on a calm water surface such as a swamp, lake, or pond and is usually also used as a garden decoration. Apart from its beautiful flowers, it turns out that the lotus has roots embedded in the bottom that can be consumed.

Lake Lebo is one of the lakes that has potential in Meraran Village, West Sumbawa. Almost half of the lake is filled with plants such as water hyacinth and lotus which can be used as ingredients of profitable business opportunities. From the potential that already exists in Meraran Village, Nida Ulhafiah, a student of Student Community Service Team II of Diponegoro University carried out a work program on making lotus root chips as an innovation to support MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in Meraran Village community.

The basic ingredients of lotus root chips are lotus roots that have been washed, cut into thin strips and then marinated with spices, then steamed. After that, it is mixed a mixture of wheat flour, rice flour, tapioca flour, cornstarch and flavoring and then fried until dry. It is then sprinkled with various flavors such as balado and roast beef to give it a delicious taste. Products are packaged in attractive packaging and are given stickers. She helped women who are the members of Family Empowerment and Welfare by marketing these products through social media such as Whatsapp and Facebook.

Other programs that have been implemented are socialization about the importance of vaccination which is informed to the residents door to door, or by social media through Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp. Her team also made posters on the importance of vaccination and gave training in making hand washing media. These work programs aim to raise public awareness of the importance of healthy lifestyle as a way to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. (Linda – Public Relations)

Translated by: Titis – Public Relations

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