Dr. dr. Renni Yuniati, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV., M.H. (Dermatology and Venereology Specialist of RSND UNDIP): Beauty Does not Have to from Plastic Surgery

All women want to look beautiful. No matter whether they are old or young, they definitely want to look perfect. However to get beauty at all ages is not easy because it requires effort from the inside and outside to be beautiful throughout the ages. Without surgery and expensive or instant treatments, every woman can still look beautiful throughout the ages even in simple ways.

“Beauty is relative, the important thing is to look fresh so that people see it as happiness,” said Dr. dr. Renni Yuniati, Sp.KK, FINSDV, FAADV., M.H, a Dermatology and Venereology Specialist of Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND) of Diponegoro University.

According to dr. Renni, aging occurs due to the natural process of cell function decreasing according to age, but there are external and internal factors that accelerate aging. The most common is exposure to the sun or frequent exposure to the sun directly which causes inflammation or exposure to extraordinary radiation to the human body so that not only damage the skin but the cells of the body inside. Pollution factors also have an effect, for example when you are on the highway or in factory areas where there is air pollution. The pattern of life also has an impact, so a healthy lifestyle is needed, for example by getting enough sleep, because quality rest will get the maximum cell growth process. The impact of instant skin care will occur in about 3 to 5 years and the impact can be worse because of the drug concoction that is applied.

“Beauty lifestyle is important by having a healthy lifestyle, such as getting enough sleep, eating high protein food, consuming lots of ingredients that can make the body stay young and always diligent in maintaining the skin that adds moisture and protein. Even without plastic surgery, we can have good skin if we are consistent, disciplined and diligent in nourishing it with good skin food. Giving unnecessary drugs or creams to our skin may harm our bodies,” she continued.

“The use of make-up should be considered whether it is beneficial or not to the skin. For example, choose face powder which contains an active ingredient that moisturizes. In choosing lipstick, it is best if it contains an active ingredient that provides vitamins to the lips and does not contain toxic ingredients. For those over 40 years old, they should spray moisturizers that do not sticky and contain moisturizers and proteins,” she continued.

“Beauty throughout the ages is the result of our ability to be consistent in taking care of ourselves, if the skin is normal, there is no need to use creams that are medicinal. The use of instant skin care can damage our skin. The important things to do is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, by sleeping for 8 hours, consuming protein, having good relations with husband or wife and doing exercise. Beauty takes effort and patience. Do not give up quickly and do not feel inferior, be proud of our faces and bodies,” concluded dr. Renni. (Lin – Public Relations)

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