
Tri Hambudi Utomo (First Place in Mawapres FPP UNDIP): We Must Maximize the Opportunities because Opportunities Do not Come Twice

“The topic that I presented in the selection process for Outstanding Students at the faculty level was the topic of agricultural partnerships. I am interested in bringing up this topic given its great urgency, especially in agricultural development in Indonesia. Agricultural development needs to get a lot of attention because its role as a food provider in Indonesia is so important. I hope that the study on agricultural partnerships that I talked about can help improve the welfare of farmers,” said Tri Hambudi Utomo, 1st Winner of Outstanding Student (Mawapres) at Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University.

He said the initial stage of the selection process was to prepare the required administrative files, including the process of collecting certificates for superior achievements. Next, the preparation of creative ideas that he started with brainstorming related to urgent issues which need solutions to the problem.

“After choosing on the topic of the issues, I began to conduct a literature review to formulate the right solution for the problem. I also practiced to hone my ability to speak English. I like to listen to songs or videos in English to improve my vocabulary and listening skills. I tried to discuss it in my own language to improve my speaking skills. After all the preparations are finished, I submitted the proposal and asked for prayers and blessings from the closest people for the smooth selection process,” continued the student of Agribusiness Department Undergraduate Study  Program.

Tri Hambudi is also active in the Student Executive Board of FPP Undip as a bureau coordinator and he is also a daily administrator at the Beswan Regional Semarang as Media Communication (Medcom). In addition, he is active in several activities such as coaching and competitions held by various organizers.

“During college, the difficulty I faced was that sometimes there were activities that took place simultaneously so I was confused about which one to follow. In dealing with it, I apply the principle of priority management, namely trying to sort out activities that are urgent, important, or not both. From that, I can decide which activities should be attended, which can be represented, or which can be left alone,” he explained.

“Organization and education are like a puzzle piece from the life of a young generation. Each piece of the puzzle will build the qualities of a person for future careers. From this parable, I think that organization and education are both important and complementary. The organization provides an extraordinary experience regarding soft skills, how we can work together as a team, communicate with others, build relationships, resolve problems or conflicts, and many other things. Meanwhile, education provides hard skills that support us in accordance with the chosen scientific field. Organization and education cannot stand alone, each of which can hone one’s abilities so there must be a balance between the two. Through this balance, a series of puzzles is complete, illustrating a competitive young generation when they enter the professional world. We have to maximize every opportunity that exists and gain as much knowledge as possible because the opportunity may not come twice,” concluded Tri Hambudi. (Lin – Public Relations)

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