
3 Study Programs at FISIP Undip are Favorite Choices of SBMPTN UNDIP

The percentage of specialization (i.e., the comparison between accepted and registrants) for the Social Humanities study program at the University of Diponegoro, at the top rank is the Communication Science study program (FISIP), followed by the second place is Psychology study program (Faculty of Psychology), the third rank is Management study program (FEB), then International Relations study program (FISIP) and Business Administration study program (FISIP). These favorite study programs have long been known by the public and chosen by prospective students because they are seen as having many job opportunities in the fields of government, industry, media, and technology.

Dr. Teguh Yuwono, M. Pol. Admin., the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Undip said that seeing from the public’s interest in FISIP in general and Communication Science study program in particular, the registrants have indeed increased from year to year. Employment sectors in Communication Science, International Relations and Business Administration are sectors that are quickly or easily absorbed by work. Thus the belief of the enthusiasts that the study program is a best-selling study program in the market, quickly gets a job, quickly gives positive results after studying becomes an achievement for Communication Science, as well as International Relations and Business Administration study programs. In addition to ranking and prestige factors, those who are accepted in favorite study programs also look at their accreditation, for example Communication Science study program which has been internationally accredited so that the level of trust is higher.

“We will always improve ourselves, both in terms of curriculum, competence, learning outcomes and networking aspects at work. We are surely proud and grateful because the public’s appreciation is increasing. Communication Science study program which is ranked first as the favorite choice of course has a wide network, has good human resources and facilities with good leadership characters. We don’t think it’s wrong if Communication Science becomes The First Choice for the Social Humanities path,” explained Dr. Teguh.

“The most important thing right now is the strategy or effort to participate in promoting Undip so that all study programs become favorites. We can use social media as a media of promotion, students and lecturers become representatives of our study programs. Many students make short films and videos which are then uploaded on social media, such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram which are then accessed by many people. Study programs can use the way of the millennial generation in promoting study programs to increase public interest,” he said.

“After being accepted at Undip, we hope the prospective students to be more serious in studying, entering college as the beginning of creating the future and what is no less important is the learning process itself,” concluded Dr. Teguh. (Lin – Public Relations)

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