
UNDIP Implemented Strict Procedures for Independent Exam Supervisors

This year, Diponegoro University held an online Independent Exam. The entire process and mechanism of Undip Independent Exam is carried out online, of course, to limit the mobility of all parties involved to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 virus. The online presence only applies to test takers, while the Independent Exam supervisors are still present at the exam monitoring location centered at the ICT Building, Undip Tembalang Campus.

During this period of Community Activity Restrictions (Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat / PPKM), of course, Undip implemented strict health protocols. Before entering the building where the test is held, the supervisors must wash their hands with soap in the sink provided in the ICT building yard, then check their body temperatures. Supervisors are also required to wear standard masks recommended by WHO while carrying out their duties.

The exam supervisory rooms are regularly sprayed with disinfectant, at the morning in the every change of session and at the afternoon after the exam is over. Disinfectant spraying is not only carried out in the room, but also to the equipment used by supervisors such as monitor screens, keyboards and mouse. The distance between supervisory desks is set at least 2 meters and seats are made alternately between rows.

“We provide nutritious food or snacks for the supervisors during the exams and there are special supplements that are distributed after lunch. The supplementary food varies such as milk, vitamin C, fruit juice, green bean juice or green bean drink. If the supervisors feel that their bodies are not fit, they are allowed to resign from the event. Besides ensuring the safety of rooms for supervisors, areas that are passed by everyone, such as elevators, lobbies, prayer rooms and bathrooms are always disinfected three times a day,” said Dr. Paramita Prananingtyas, SH., LLM. as Secretary of Education Quality Assurance and Development Institute (Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan / LP2MP) Undip.

In a day, there are 3 sessions of online Independent Exam. One session lasts at least for 3 hours. In those 3 hours, the supervisors continuously pay attention to the monitor screen to monitor the movements of participants. This is quite energy and mind-consuming, for that every supervisor is advised to get enough rest and maintain body stamina as part of the health protocols. In addition to provide a comfortable resting room and vitamin supplements for supervisors, the committee also brings medical personnel for quick treatment in case of health problems. (Linda/Hariyani – Public Relations)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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