UNDIP History Students Association Held Pre-Basic Student Management Leadership Training

The Student Resources Development Division of History Students Association of Diponegoro University held a Pre-Basic Student Management Leadership Training (Latihan Kepemimpinan Manajemen Mahasiswa Pra Dasar / LKMMPD) and Historia Leadership Training to improve the soft skills of Undip History students Batch of 2021 (11/9).

Students are the young generation who will become the nation’s leaders. In order to grow self-awareness in students, it is necessary to equip students to actively participate in organizations at the campus level since they enter college. The purpose of this activity is to stimulate leadership potential as a preparation to compete in the global era and to instill leadership values and role models in students so that new competent leaders will born. Resource persons who give materials in this event are Maulana Hanif Ghifari (Student of Vocational School) and Muhammad Abdullah Anas Al Masyhudi (Student of Faculty of Engineering).

Maulana Hanif said that critical thinking is reasonable and reflective thinking that focuses on deciding what to believe or do. Critical is not only a matter of daring to give criticism, but how to instill an emancipatory character or restore freedom and to think of human future. By thinking critically, a person will not be easily deceived/indoctrinated; and it is a place for self-introspection (self-criticism), for arguing and providing solutions, finding logical truths, thinking in creative and innovative ways (out of the box).

Furthermore, Muhammad Abdullah raised the theme of Strategic Management in Organization. Strategic Management in Organization is a series of repetitive and continuous managerial decisions or actions that include formulation, implementation and strategic evaluation activities for the short and long terms within the organization to achieve goals. Strategic management steps are planning, the process of preparing plans as a basis and reference in achieving organizational goals; organizing, allocating resources within the organization to achieve goals, division of labor, grouping human resources into several divisions, as well as preparing job descriptions and job specifications; actuating, implementation of the plans that have been prepared at the beginning in the form of action; and controlling, monitoring and evaluation to ensure all processes run according to plan. (Linda – Public Relations)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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