Students Are Required to Create Inspiring, Educating, and Entertaining Contents

In maintaining a brand image through contents on social media, students should create contents that can inspire, educate and entertain the audience. This was conveyed by Rintulebda Anggung Kaloka, Lecturer of Study Program Outside the Main Campus (Program Studi Diluar Kampus Utama / PSDKU) at Batang Campus of Diponegoro University as a resource person in the “Workshop on Building Brand Image through Creative Content” at Undip Vocational School, (11/9). The workshop organized by Prima Vocational School is a forum for young entrepreneurs in Undip Vocational School.

“The first thing that must be done in creating content is that we must be able to know the profile of our audience, so that we estimate what kind of content will suit our target audience. Next is to create shareable content, or content that makes other people want to share the content. But on the record, the content must be positive, not negative,” he said.

“Emotional attachment with the audience is also the main key. For that we also need to create content that can establish emotional closeness with the audience, respond to comments and also involve the audience to be part of the content,” he added.

The Dean of Vocational School, Prof. Budiyono, revealed that in the current era, students must be required to master information technology if they do not want to be left behind, one of which is by creating creative content. (Linda – Public Relations)

Translated by: Titis (Public Relations)

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