
“Kokedama Making” MITI KM Local Wisdom Research Program by UKM Research and Business Diponegoro University

JABUNGAN, SEMARANG The implementation of community service activities as one of the elements in the Tridarma of Higher Education is a tangible form of students contributing directly through socialization and training to the community in the form of knowledge that can be used and practiced in everyday life. The MITI KM Local Wisdom Research Program which is a series of community service programs carried out by UKM Research and Business UNDIP has passed a proposal accompanied by a Supervisor, namely Tutik Dalmiyatun, S.Pt., M.Sc which was implemented in RW 01, Kelurahan Jabung, Semarang city.

On Sunday, September 20, 2020, activities were carried out with the topic of socialization and training in making kokedama. The activities, namely the socialization of the introduction of kokedama, equipment and materials, selection of suitable plant types for planting by using kokedama planting techniques, stages of making kokedama, and also the maintenance of good kokedama are presented by a Diponegoro University student who is experienced in business in agriculture and has won a Business Plan competition with the topic of kokedama, namely Muhammad Rizki Arya Bhayangkara. He briefly explained what Kokedama is. Kokedama is a Japanese technique and art of planting, which is to place the plant in a ball of soil then wrap it in moss and tie it with rope. Kokedama has undergone many changes and is currently used as an ornamental plant in the house (indoor). The kokedama method using moss as a substitute for moss also helps the utilization of coconut coir waste (coco fiber). The technique of planting Kokedama itself has not been widely known by the Indonesian people, so it is a business opportunity in improving the economy of mothers in Jabung Village, Banyumanik, Semarang City.

The community, especially the PKK women of the Jabung Village in RW 01, were not only given theoretical expertise but also practical expertise in kokedama through the “Kokedama Making Practical Training” which took place at the yard of one of the residents of RW 01 of Jabung Village. This activity was carried out jointly between the students of the LWR MITI Jadiy Team and the PKK RW 01 women of the Jabung Village who were assisted by Arya and guided by the supervisor in the practice of making this kokedama. This activity is started by dismantling the plants that have been provided from the polybags and removing the soil carefully and paying attention to the plant roots so that it will not get damaged. Then black soil, fertilizer and husks with a ratio of 3: 2: 1 are mixed while sprayed with water if needed so that it is able to glue the soil by providing a wide plastic base. Next, prepare a bowl that serves small plastic bags to print the kokedama in order to make it look rounder in the bowl area and give it moss or coconut fibers in the bowl area. After that, give it as much pressure as needed on each side of the soil ball so that the roots are closed neatly and shape it until the kokedama becomes slowly rounded.

After all the kokedama have been formed, wrap the sewing thread around the entire surface of the ball which has been covered with coconut husk or moss, so that the coconut husk or moss covers the ground very neatly and smoothly. This is done to keep the soil from coming out of the coconut husk or moss which is useful as a wrapper. The finished kokedama is then woven using colorful curls assisted by the LWR MITI Jadiy Team in which they adjusted to the size of the kokedama being made. Finally, the finished Kokedama can be displayed by hanging in a shady area using the curved rope that has been made, or it can also be placed on a plate or small placemat to adjust the display of the kokedama.

The series of activities were closed by conducting a group photo session for documentation of the Socialization and Training for Kokedama Making on Sunday, September 20, 2020 between the MITI Jadiy LWR Team, PKK RW 01 Jabung Village and the supervisor of this team. Furthermore, the activities of making kokedama will be carried out regularly by PKK women accompanied by the team, so that PKK mothers become skilled. Besides, in the future, there will be assistance in marketing kokedama products. This assistance is carried out in order to give an impact on the community, starting from increasing knowledge, skills and family income to the sales of kokedama products.

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