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Biology IUP Class of Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip Prepares Proficient Graduates in the Global Era

SEMARANG – Faculty of Science and Mathematics Diponegoro University (UNDIP) provides a space for students who want to explore biology with an international curriculum. The IUP (International Undergraduate Program) class, known as the “international class program”, is a study program equal to undergraduate study program. IUP accepts high school graduates and its equivalent that will be trained to become proficient graduates to compete in the global era.


The Dean of Faculty of Science and Mathematics UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Widowati, S.Si., M.Si., said that IUP class uses international curriculum and  standards so that it uses English as the first language. “For the IUP class, we collaborate with eleven universities abroad which have similar study programs, so that the education standards are equal,” said Prof. Widowati, on Monday (22/3/2021).

The universities that are partnered with Faculty of Science and Mathematics UNDIP are universities in Thailand, Malaysia, Japan and Taiwan. Partnered universities located in Thailand are Chulalongkorn University, Mahidol University, Raja Mongkut University of Technology North Bangkok, Prince Songkla University and Suranaree University of Technology. Meanwhile, in Malaysia, Undip partnered with University of Malaysia Sabah. Moreover, Hiroshima University Japan has agreed to partner with Undip, while in Taiwan there are two partnered universities namely Dong Hwa National University and Chung Hsing National University.

In addition to collaboration with leading universities in Asia, Biology Study Program of Undip also collaborates actively with universities and research institutions in Australia and France including Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO) Australia, Universite de Montpellier in France, and INRA France in the field of research and joint indexed international publications. These collaborations with Universite de Montpellier and INRA are indicated by the presence of Pascal Loubiere, Ph.D (INRA) and Emmanuel Cornillot, Ph.D (Universite de Montpellier) as resource persons in studium generale organized by Biology Study Program of Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip.

Translated by: Titis (Humas)

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