Undip Golf Student Activity Unit is Officially Formed

Diponegoro University – Semarang (11/04/2021) – The Management of Diponegoro University Golf Student Activity Unit is officially inaugurated by Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs at Diponegoro University on Sunday, April 11th 2021 at Graha Golf Candi Golf Semarang. The inauguration of Undip Golf Student Activity Unit coincided with the holding of Central Java-Yogyakarta Diponegoro Golf Community (DGC) tournament with the theme “Gobar Marhaban ya Ramadan”. With the inauguration of management of Undip Golf Student Activity Unit, this Student Activity Unit is officially established. Undip Golf Student Activity Unit aims to accommodate Undip students who like to play golf, for those who are already excel and those who want to learn and explore the sport of golf.

Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Budi Setiyono, Ph.D. said that the formation of Undip Golf Student Activity Unit is reflecting the big universities in the world that have golf extracurricular activities for their students.

“Many big universities in the world make golf as an extracurricular activity for their students, so that student clubs are formed, including golf. In addition, golf is an international sport. With the establishment of Undip Golf Student Activity Unit, it also supports Undip’s mission to become a World Class University,” explained Prof. Budi Setiyono.

It is hoped that with the establishment of Undip Golf Student Activity Unit, students will get many benefits include being able to build networking and collaboration with Alumni who are members of DGC, and also with fellow members of Golf Student Activity Unit from various faculties.

“Students who join Undip Golf Student Activity Unit will have high self-confidence, and this self-confidence will be a useful skill for lobbying and networking for their future careers,” continued Prof. Budi when symbolically handed over 4 (four) sets of golf equipment donated from Central Java-Yogyakarta DGC to Undip Golf Student Activity Unit.

After Undip Golf Student Activity Unit was formed, the next step is to create a practical golf course or golf driving range in Undip Tembalang campus environment.

The 14 Undip Golf Student Activity Unit administrators who are called Dipo Golfers are happy with the establishment of this Unit. They can play golf with fellow students who have the same hobby. A number of work programs await, including routine training and recruiting members, as conveyed by the Head of Undip Golf Student Activity Unit, Arya Tri Putranto Abdillah.

“We are full of enthusiasm with the establishment of Undip Golf Student Activity Unit. During this pandemic, the safest sport to do is golf because it is held in an open field, and it is easy to do social distancing. We have also prepared a number of work programs, such as routine training, planning golf tournaments between Undip students and students from other campuses, recruiting members and of course fostering members to become outstanding golf athletes. Some of our members have been familiar with golf since childhood and some have become golf athletes at National Sports Week,” said Arya, as he is fondly called.

The composition of Management of Undip Golf Student Activity Unit 2021 includes Arya Tri Putranto Abdillah (Faculty of Law) as Chairman, Geraldo Tritama Hadikusumo (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) as Deputy Chairperson, Alf Haritz Proboutomo (Faculty of Economics and Business) as Secretary 1, Afifah Risya Aulia Mozart (Faculty of Law) as Secretary 2, Atifa Alif Febryanti (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) as Treasurer 1, Muhammad Dafa Sheva (Faculty of Economics and Business) as Treasurer 2, Mochamad Firza Anvialdi (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) and Ferdie Rafly Yustifidya (Faculty of Law) for Logistics, Benz Arya Putra (Faculty of Economics and Business) and Naufal Abror Adicha (Faculty of Law) as Public Relations & Visual Communication Design, Togar Billy Armando (Vocational School), Muhammad Hiranirafi Fakih (Faculty of Economics and Business) and Kevin Susanto Putro (Faculty of Economics and Business) in Sponsorship section, and Rykho Harahap (Faculty of Law) as Event Manager. (Hariyani)

Translate: Titis (Public Relations)

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