
Improving the Quality of Administrative Services, SV UNDIP Developed Online CS Applications

In order to improve the quality of administrative services that are effective and efficient, the Vocational School (SV) of Diponegoro University has developed a Digital Customer Service (CS Digital) called CS Online. This is done in the context of adjusting services that were originally conventional into digital services. In addition to facilitating student services at the Vocational School Undip, this activity is also in line with the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The Online CS application of Vocational School can be accessed through the website http://cso.vokasi.undip.ac.id on a browser.

According to the Dean of the Vocational School Undip, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiyono, M. Si, all student services that are converted to digital will make it easier for Vocational Schools to report their performance, especially student-related performance. For the smooth use of the CS Online application, on Monday, July 11, 2022 the Vocational School Undip held a socialization to the Head of Departments, Study Programs and the Secretary of Study Programs. This event was held offline at the 4th floor Meeting Room of the Undip Vocational School and was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean I, Deputy Dean II, Managers and supervisors of the Vocational School Undip.

Ropinov Saputro, S.E., M.M., a lecturer at the Vocational School Undip assigned to PSDKU Batang was given the task by the Dean of the Vocational School, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiyono, M.Si. as the Head of CS Online application development. He said that CS Online was ready to be used to serve students although he also hoped for suggestions and directions from users for the perfection of this application. Currently Ropinov and his team are adding 1 new user, namely the study program admin who will be the first filter when a student submits a letter. That way, the correspondence flow will be more relevant and in accordance with the policies of each study program at the Vocational School. The manual for using the CS Online application is in the process of being worked on and will soon be distributed to the entire academic community of the Vocational School Undip.

As of July 2022, almost all student mail services can be used in the CS Online application which has a user friendly GUI display. There are already 16 mailing services that are all served online, including: Introduction to Independent Internships, Online Legalization, SI KHS, SI IRS, SI Temporary Transcripts, Letters of Recommendation, Application Letters for Leave, Library Free Letters, SI SKL, Certificate of Active Students, Letters Certificate of Still Studying (PNS), Certificate of Still Studying (PNS), Certificate of Good Behavior on Campus, Certificate of Not Receiving Scholarship from Other Parties, Application for Leave, and Letter of Resignation. With the launching and socialization of the use of CS Online, all academics in 11 main campus study programs and 5 study programs outside the Undip main campus, whose academics are in the Vocational School, can officially use the application.

At the Socialization of the Use of the Vocational School’s Online CS Application, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budiyono, M.Si. also said that the Undip Vocational School was developing other information systems besides CS Online. Where the design of this new information system greatly facilitates the faculty in achieving and reporting the KPIs to the University. If the Vocational School succeeds in proving the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of its application, it is not impossible that the works of the Vocational School will be applied in various faculties/schools at Diponegoro University. Finally, hopefully the CS Online application can make it easier and provide many benefits for the academic community and of course hopefully advance our beloved Diponegoro University.

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