
Improving Global Competitiveness, UNDIP Graduated 18 Double Degree Students at the 168th Graduation Ceremony

Semarang – Central Java (9/11). Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D., explained that 18 Double Degree students also graduated at the 168th Graduation Ceremony of Diponegoro University (Undip) which was held in 11 stages for 6 days, from 1-4 November 2022, continued on 7-8 November 2022 at the Prof. Soedarto, S.H. Building, Undip Tembalang Campus.

The graduation  was attended by 2,559 graduates, which included 35 people of Doctoral programs, 267 people of Masters, 52 Specialists, 51 Professionals, 2,008 people of Bachelors, 80 people of Applied Bachelors and 66 people of Diploma III (D3). 1,401 graduates or 54.75% of them received the cum laude predicate. Up to this graduation period, the number of Undip graduates has reached 244,559 people.

Of the 18 Double Degree Students, there were seven Bachelor of Accounting students who successfully graduated from Saxion University in the Netherlands. The seven students of the Bachelor of Accounting program include Dewi Claudia Agustin, Putu Deny Wijaya, Aisya Bella Satu Pertiwi, Rachel Ayu Setyaningrum, Muhammad Ali Ridlo Nova Putra, Admiral Darmawan, Hasan Firdaus Busrol Karim.

Furthermore, eight students from the Bachelor of Management program graduated from Saxion University in the Netherlands, namely Sarah Alisha Maharani, Ananda Audrey Sean Callista, Ditania Tiara Imrohati, Muhammad Ghifari Ifdial, Muhammad Ferrel Haekal Sadewo, Mika Alif Adzani, Yunan Arestu Prananca, Neo Marcellino Wikan Bimatama.

Hilya Ramadhania Siyauqi Maudah from the Bachelor of Management program graduated from Curtin University Australia. Furthermore, there were two students who successfully graduated from the Medicis Business School in France, including Adinda Maharani Kaltsum Zamroni from the Bachelor of Management program and Adya Ariqoh Rasendriya from the Bachelor of Economics program.

The Double Degree Program is a program for students who are interested in obtaining two graduation degrees by completing their studies at Undip and also at partner universities abroad. In order to realize Undip as a World Class University (WCU), Undip has collaborated a lot with universities abroad.

Students with a Double Degree degree are expected to have good global competitiveness because they have gained some experience of being part of a global community and are able to adapt well in a new environment.

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