Undip Holds Simulation on Fire in Building

As an effort to improve the quality of human resources in training of Occupational Safety and Health, the Faculty of Engineering of Diponegoro University in collaboration with the Semarang City Fire Department carried out a fire prevention simulation activity in the building, on Friday (5/11).

The role of Occupational Safety and Health in the work environment includes the right of every worker to get protection for health and safety for the welfare of life. Everyone in the work environment must be guaranteed safety and the company must conduct anticipatory and preventive actions as efforts to reduce the risk of accidents and occupational diseases. The Occupational Safety and Health Training Program has an important role for the progress of an institution and in improving the skills of its workers to be more professional.

Fire is a dangerous event and can result in loss of life if we do not take proper measures to prevent fire. The simulation is intended to increase awareness in the event of a fire disaster. The simulation will identify fire sources, emergency response and handling of problems; carry out firefighting using the principle of firefighting; identify extinguishers based on fire sources and explain how to use fire extinguishers.

The Dean of Faculty of Engineering Undip, Prof. Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc, Ph.D said that this simulation is very important and must be carried out regularly to prepare for any emergency case so that we would not panic and know what to do. Emergencies can be due to fires, earthquakes and others. Simulation is carried out to evaluate the speed of response to disasters. In an emergency we must remain calm and follow the evacuation instructions to the assembly point. For this reason, all buildings, especially tall buildings such as the Dean Building are recommended to have a disaster response team structure (emergency response team).

“This activity is part of the commitment of Faculty of Engineering in implementing Occupational Safety and Health. Hopefully this Occupational Safety and Health Training Program will not only be a means to get a certificate but become a continuous event for all of us,” he concluded. (Lin-PR)


Photo: Documentation of Faculty of Engineering Undip

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