UNDIP Psychology Undergraduate Study Program Achieved FIBAA International Accreditation and Steadily Entered the Global Stage

SEMARANG – The Psychology Undergraduate Study Program of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) has successfully passed the international accreditation assessment of the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA). By achieving accreditation from a national international institution based in Germany, it is a provision for the Faculty of Psychology Undip to strengthen its position in the global arena.

This recognition is also evidence that the Faculty of Psychology Undip which is the most favorite study program in the SBMPTN (Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities) for the 2021/2022 academic year, has excellent qualifications. Moreover, the research institution, in this case FIBAA, is also an international accreditation institution registered with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology for quality assurance and development in higher education.

The Dean of Faculty of Psychology Undip, Prof. Dian Ratna Sawitri S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D, emphasized that this achievement is part of the hard work of all parties at the faculty, university level, and thanks to the support and trust of alumni and stakeholders. “We thank you for the support and trust of the Undip Rector and his staff, the leader of LP2MP and his staff, as well as the entire academic community, education staff, alumni, and stakeholders for this proud achievement,” she explained, on Sunday (12/19/2021).

“This success is the result of improving the internal quality of the study program, including the quality of learning, the competence of human resources for lecturers and education staff, internal management, and the qualifications of graduates in responding to the needs of the job market,” she continued.

The accreditation was announced on November 26th 2021. “This achievement has also strengthened Undip as a World Class University (WCU), and supports the achievement of Undip’s Key Performance Indicators,” Prof. Sawitri added.

She further explained that this international recognition strengthened and supported the vision of the Faculty of Psychology Undip to become a center for the development of Indonesian family-based psychology, which is adaptive to changing times in Southeast Asia in 2025. The vision is considered achievable since there is already accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) which states that the Undip Psychology Undergraduate Study Program has been accredited A/Superior.

The birth of the Undip Psychology Undergraduate Study Program began in 1991, when the Undip Rector at that moment, Prof. dr. Moeljono S. Trastotenojo, officially received permission from the Minister of Education and Culture, Prof. Dr. Fuad Hasan, to establish the Faculty of Psychology. The hard work to prepare the Faculty of Psychology Undip  paid off with the issuance of the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education on August 18th 1995 No. 362/Dikti/Kep/1995. The Decree was received by the Undip Rector, Prof. Dr. Muladi, S.H. as the basis for the establishment of a Psychology Undergraduate Study Program with its head office at the Faculty of Medicine Undip.

The decision to make the study program as faculty occurred on April 24th 2007 with the issuance of the Undip Rector’s Decree No. 28/SK/J07/2007 concerning the Establishment of the Faculty of Psychology. The legal basis for changing the status to a faculty was further strengthened by the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of National Education Number 65 of 2009 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure at Undip. As of October 2nd 2009, the Faculty of Psychology became the 11th faculty within Diponegoro University. The first dean elected was Drs. Karyono, M.Si.

Now the Psychology Undergraduate Study Program is the most favorite major among the 52 study programs at Undip. The large number of prospective students who register for this study program, said Prof. Sawitri, is due to a number of factors, including active and intelligent branding that attractd high interest from prospective students. There is also the role of lecturers in the community, student achievements at national and international levels, the role of alumni in the world of work, and the presentation of information on faculty activities to the public managed by a professional public relations team.

“This achievement boosts the enthusiasm of the academic community of the Undip Psychology Study Program to be more confident in making positive contributions at national and global levels,” she said. (PR team)

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