
UNDIP Sent a Patent Inventor (Granted) Delegations and Patent Substantive Examination by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property – Kemenkumham

Following up on the letter from the Directorate General of Intellectual Property c.q. Directorate of Patents, Layout Design of Integrated Circuits and Trade Secrets number HKI.3-UM.01.01-58 dated March 22, 2022 regarding Invitations for Workshop on Substantive Settlement of Patent Management Post-Patent Registration with Universities/R&D/Business Actors at Regional Offices, the Rector of Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Semarang assigned inventors at Diponegoro University, whose patents are included in the patent list which can be consulted with the patent examiner from the DJKI / employee to attend the event. The workshop was held from Monday to Wednesday, March 28-30, 2022, 08.00 AM – 05.00 PM, at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Central Java, Jl. Dr.Cipto No.64, Semarang.

This activity is carried out in the context of implementing a cooperation agreement between the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) and research and development institutions (R&D), universities and business actors, as well as to increase the number of domestic patent applications.

Present at the event, drh. Dian Wahyu Harjanti, Ph.D. (Director of Innovation and Industrial Cooperation Undip) and Firmansyah, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D. (Deputy Dean I Academic and Student Affairs FEB Undip) as representatives of the inventors who received a patent certificate (granted) for innovation work. Also present at the event, Mas Anantha Budhy Prakosa, S.T., M.Si. (Manager of Innovation Section, Innovation Bureau and Cooperation) and Novian Rustamaji, S.Kom. (Supervisor of Intellectual Property Management, Innovation Section, Innovation Bureau and Cooperation).

The event was also attended by inventors appointed by DJKI whose patents can be subject to substantive examination, including: Prof. Dr. Hermin Pancasakti K., S.Si., M.Si., Ir. Slamet Priyanto, M.S., Dr. Rifky Ismail, S.T., M.T., Dr. Ir. R. Siti Rukayah, M.T., Dr. Ir. I. Nyoman Widiasa, S.T., M.T., Prof. Dr. Susilo Wibowo, MSMed., Sp.And., Dr. Dra. Sumariyah, M.Si., Dr. Ir. Ainie Khuriati RS., DEA, Dr. Ratna Purwaningsih, S.T., M.T., Dr.-Ing. Silviana, ST, MT, IPM, ASEAN ENG., and Dr. Vita Paramita, S.T., M.Eng. (YN)


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