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Law and Nursing Science Undergraduate Study Programs Available at the UNDIP Jepara Campus

Diponegoro University, through the Education Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP2MP), conducted socialization and promotion of New Student Admissions to teachers and high school students at the UNDIP campus in Jepara on Monday (11/12). This socialization and promotion event was attended by representatives of teachers and students in Jepara with more than 100 participants. This socialization and promotion activity is an activity carried out by the LP2MP Admissions and Promotion team to provide information regarding the Law and Nursing Science Undergraduate Study Programs, selection paths, and the date of selection for New Student Admissions at Diponegoro University, especially at the UNDIP Campus in Jepara.

The LP2MP team was represented by Prof. Dr. Paramita Prananingtyas, S.H., LLM., as Secretary of LP2MP; Agus Santoso, S.Kep., M.Kep as Head of the Nursing Science Study Program; and Ir. M. Arfan, S.Kom., M.Eng as Head of the Admissions and Promotion Center. The socialization and promotion event started at 10.00 WIB in the campus hall, which began with the singing of the Indonesia Raya national anthem and an opening and presentation by Prof. Paramita.

In the Socialization and Promotion of New Student Admissions activities, it was stated that UNDIP is the number 1 university with the fastest graduates getting jobs according to the QS Graduate Employability Ranking in 2021 and 2022. In her presentation, Prof. Paramita explained the department profile, facilities available, service applications, location access, and an explanation of the Law undergraduate study program at the Jepara Campus, both the advantages and learning mechanisms of the Law undergraduate study program at the Jepara Campus. The second speaker was Agus Santoso, S.Kep., M.Kep. who currently serves as the Head of the Nursing Science Study Program, explained the Nursing Science undergraduate study program at the Undip Jepara Campus in terms of department profile, available facilities, advantages and learning mechanisms. What was interesting was that he also explained about the scholarships available for new students.

The socialization ended with a presentation from Ir. M. Arfan, S.Kom., M.Eng., as Head of the Center for Admission and Education Promotion, explained all the stages that prospective New Students can go through in the PMB Undip selection. In his presentation, the resource person explained the number of study programs at UNDIP. It consists of 55 undergraduate study programs, 11 D4 study programs, 2 undergraduate study programs (PSDKU), and 19 specialist medical study programs. Most of the study programs have received superior accreditation, and some of them have even received international accreditation, including ASIIN, FIBAA, and IABEE.

In his presentation, Arfan showed the steps and strategies for choosing the right study program, such as paying attention to the quota and interest of applicants as well as studying the types of tests that will be taken during college entrance selection. The socialization went smoothly, with enthusiastic participants asking many questions, not only the students who asked questions but also the teachers who were present representing their schools. At the end of the presentation, he also encouraged students to study in order to achieve the study program that suits their choices and aspirations. This promotional socialization closed with a symbolic handover of merchandise by LP2MP to the school representatives present, followed by a group photo with the resource person and the participants. After the event, students were invited to tour the UNDIP Campus in Jepara to see the available facilities.

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